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EQuaTool changes the default Map Tools to better ones (packed in "Styles") that SubSim community has developed for years of modding SH series. Pick one Style out of many available (do NOT install whole mod!) and trim it with add-ons. Check the documentation folder to see how each of the Styles looks like.
Most Styles substitute only the "extended" series of Map Tools in game, leaving the "simple" series intact. Styles marked as "double" will however substitute both series of tools - these are intended for very demanding navigators who plot a lot and need extreme accuracy. Large tools included in them may also prove useful to shortsighted persons.
There are also add-ons. One replaces the "simple" series of tools with better looking ones, second allows adding a Large Style Ruler to any standard sized Style. Before installation check their respective descriptions below!
Included styles and add-ons
For comparison - this is how stock tools look like:
Flat Style
Standard sized, most similar to default set, but with much better looking tools for higher precision.
Kriegsmarine Style Family
All standard sized, they come in various flavours (check the Styles descriptions below). The hallmark of the Family is the Nazi Eagle on the tools - an exact copy of markings stamped on all tools/equipment officialy owned by Kriegsmarine (there were a few different designs of these stamps, only some were used).
Version without svastikas (much lower quality and not historically accurate) is discontinued, but available in version 01.00 of this mod (check my FileFront site:
Kriegsmarine Regular Style
Standard sized, similar to default tools but more precise. The Eagle is a copy of real markings.
Kriegsmarine Light Style
Standard sized, similar to default tools but more precise. The Eagle is a copy of real markings.
Kriegsmarine Golden Style
Standard sized, similar to default tools but more precise. The Golden Eagle is my idea for eye-candy ("a luxury set") and may not be historically accurate (however the Eagle shape IS accurate).
Kriegsmarine Woody Regular Style
Standard sized, similar to default tools but more precise and with wooden handles/grips. The Eagle is a copy of real markings.
Kriegsmarine Woody Light Style
Standard sized, similar to default tools but more precise and with wooden handles/grips. The Eagle is a copy of real markings.
Kriegsmarine Woody Golden Style
Standard sized, similar to default tools but more precise and with wooden handles/grips. The Golden Eagle is my idea for eye-candy ("a luxury set") and may not be historically accurate (however the Eagle shape IS accurate).
Woody Style
Standard sized. These tools don't provide better accuracy than stock, but... they have wooden handles/grips.
Large Style
Non-standard sized. All tools are the same - they are large, VERY accurate and look professional. In fact they can be used in a truly professional manner, unlike their smaller brothers - check manual written for this tool by Moose Malloy, included in \documentation\manuals\malloy's ruller.rtf (written for SH3, some details may not apply to SH5 - I have not yet verified it for SH5).
Medium Style
Non-standard sized. A good compromise between standard and large sized tools. Very legible with thick markings.
Medium Faber-Castell Style
Non-standard sized. Same as "Medium Clean Style", but with additional markings (historically accurate KM Eagle, copy of real "Kriegsmarine" writing and pre-war "Faber-Castell" logo as producer of the tool, for immersion).
Double Set - Large plus Flat Style
Non-standard sized. Large Style as "extended" series of tools with Flat Style as "simple" series. For maximum precision and flexibility when plotting a lot. Uses coloured Eraser tool coming from "Add-on - Coloured Simple Tools".
Add-on - Large Style Ruler
For any "standard sized" Style replaces Ruler tool (extended series) with a Large Style Ruler (see Large Style description to see the Ruler).
Install ONLY on top of "standard sized" Styles - if installed on top of any "non-standard sized" Style, will render tools useless. This add-on may NOT be used independently (needs a "standard sized" Style installed first).
Add-on - Coloured Simple Tools
These are here for eye pleasure - they add more colours when working with a map, the also look more real than stock tools.
Install ONLY on top of "single" Styles - if installed on top of any "double set", will render tools useless. This add-on may be also used independently (without any Style installed).
Silent Hunter 5 game, any version
JSGME 2.6 or higher
Install/uninstall ONLY using JSGME ( - mod will not work or can even render your tools useless if JSGME is not used. Copy and activate only one chosen Style folder (combining Styles may need manual tweaks in Mouse.cfg file) and optionally add-ons (check every add-on description for info on compatibility dependencies). For technical instructions on installation check JSGME help files.
"New UIs" by TDW mod users (so called "TDW mod"): any Styles must be activated after "New UIs". You will get a warning about overwriting "New UIs" files - ignore it (click "Ok") - it's perfectly safe. Otherwise you may install EQuaTool in any order relative to other mods.
You can safely install EQuaTool mid-patrol (NO need to start a new career or return to port).
Install while game is closed.
Known issues/conflicts
To my knowledge EQuaTool is fully compatible with all mods available for SH5 on SubSim as per version 01.01 release date ("New UIs" users - check Installation notes).
In the future EQuaTool may conflict with mods that change Map Tools (especially when using the bigger than default size tools).
Further notes
All tools in EQuaTool come from other mods. I am very grateful to their authors for first making them, then releasing, and then letting me use their work.
Although I intend to develop EQuaTool further, I want it to remain very simple - for full compatibility with other mods. Thus I'm not planning to add or alter any GUI (interface) elements. If you are looking for a mod completely revamping Navigation Map look, EQuaTool is not the one.
Most probably there are some other good quality Map Tools created by SubSim community that I missed - if you happen to know about them or have them, please contact me. I'll be happy to include them in EQuaTool as well, for greater diversity, and also simply so that they don't vanish in our community's memory.
Add "Huge Style" high resolution tools.
Add a lattitude/longitude grid overlay tools.
Add "depth checking" tool.
Add "Triangle Style" tools.
Add "Square Style" tools.
Add a trig slipstick (in a new mod?).
EQuaTool replaces game files only in /data/Menu/MouseCurs/ folder. Depending on which Styles/add-ons are activated, always some .dds files are removed (.dds-remove feature of JSGME) and corresponding .tga files are placed instead. Every Style and some add-ons also install own (replace existing) Menu.cfg.
For list of files from external sources check documentation folder. For list of files that are replaced by EQuaTool check respective mod folders.
The parts of EQuaTool that do not come from external sources are released under license of your choice: "GNU General Public License" v. 2 or later or "ShareAlike" License.
The above means: you are free to do whatever you want with EQuaTool, but if you publish/distribute it or its derivatives, you must make it available under the same license I do (EQuaTool is to stay free forever). For details check the license of your choice or contact me.
For work of others' that I used, you are free to use it and modify it for your personal purposes. Other uses may require permission from rights owners - check respective readme files included in documentation folder, or contact the authors.
These people allowed me to use their work. EQuaTool wouldn't be created without their skill, effort and kindness:
[501]Otto - used his work as a "cover" illustration for this mod,
h.sie - used files from his SH3 mod "ACM-GUI Reloaded - h.sie's Edition V1.15",
latemail - used files from his SH3 mod "SH4 Maptools for SH3-Stock",
makman94 - used files from his SH3 mods "ImprovedMalloy'sRuler" and "The MaGui mod (version 3.4)",
reaper7 - used files from his SH5 mod "HiDef Realistic Interface V2.0",
TheDarkWraith - used files from his SH5 mod "NewUIs_TDC_4_3_1_ByTheDarkWraith".
I'm aware that other people also have contributed to development of Map Tools a lot for many years of SubSim community modding history. I am not able to list them all. I am grateful to them too.
Researched symbols used by logistics service to mark goods and equipment that belonged to Kriegsmarine, then copied most often used markings and applied them to chosen Styles.
Added "Add-on - Large Style Ruler". Also replaced large Ruler (as in "Large Style") with a Ruler of size and style in line with rest of the tools in: "Flat Style", "Kriegsmarine Style". To have your large Ruler back, just install "Add-on - Large Style Ruler" after installing your standard sized tools.
Discontinued "Kriegsmarine Style", it now became a whole Family of Styles (see below). They have now much better quality and historically correct Eagle ("Reich's Eagle" instead of "Party Eagle"), the very one used by Kriegsmarine logistics.
Added "Kriegsmarine Light Style" - historically accurate, very simplified Eagle.
Added "Kriegsmarine Woody Golden Style" - "Kriegsmarine Golden Style" plus wooden handles/grips.
Refurbished "Woody Style" - same handles, but better new shadows and looks now more three-dimensional.
Renamed "Medium Style" to "Medium Clean Style".
Added "Medium Faber-Castell Style".
Replaced default Eraser Tool in "Double Set - Large plus Flat Style" with coloured Eraser from "Add-on - Coloured Simple Tools". Future double sets will use coloured Eraser as well.
Replaced all .dds files with .tga files, for disk space economy and better performance on slower computers. Added corresponding ".dds-remove" files for JSGME (this makes EQuaTool fully JSGME dependant - it won't work unless installed via JSGME).
Added "To do" section to documentation.
Fixed some minor issues with documentation files and folders.
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I'm having a problem with this mod. using JSGME and Steam SH5 v1.2 odd part is it appears to work modding C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\silent hunter 5\MODS\EQuaTool 01.01 by AvM - Kriegsmarine Woody Golden Style\data\Menu\MouseCurs\mouse.cfg I even put a comment in your version to show it's modified yet start the game go to the map window and no elite tools hrm. it appears maybe the dds files aren't being removed ?
Any thoughts or tips ?
Best Regards,
others guys have maybe really good mod also,
but we can't know when they don't take time to doing a nice presentation.
sometimes i'm searching about one mode on the forum,
but still find to small descriptions with no pictures ... :s
others moders have maybe really good mod also,
but we can't know when they don't take time to doing a nice presentation.
sometimes i'm searching about one mode on the forum,
but still find to small descriptions with no pictures ...
i can download the mod but when i go to unzip there is a problem with one of the files i have tried everything and it just wont work. i really want this mod please help
Great mod, I just reinstall sh5 and when I put this in JGME everithing goes ok. But when using in game the equa tool doesn't work. I use de LARGE STYLE I follow all the instructions and using the game still uses vanilla tools. Also the mouse is like outranged?? I mean y use in a place and it starts in another.
My mods are:
Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\SH5 MODS]
NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_ERM_Reaper7_NightVision_Black_Ski n
Trevally Automated Scripts v0.6
Trevally Tutorial - All v0.2(for OHIIv1.3)
Trevally Harbour & Kiel Canal Pilot v3.1
Church's Compass Dials Mod v2.1 - Option Two
MRP 16x9 ratio
Spanish (TDW Language pack)