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File Name: Accurate German Flags V.1.01 (341.0 KB) Download
Author: etheberge (Uploaded by etheberge)
Date Added: 02-28-10
Downloads: 31761
Grade: A+

This is a small mod to replace the fake default German flags with historically accurate flags. This includes the German Merchant flag, the Kriegsmarine flag, the Nazi banner in the U-boat pens and the flags on the deck of the Bismark.

Please no political or moral discussions, everyone is free to use this mod or not depending on how they feel.

I didn't make the and textures, I don't know who did originally and I think they've been around forever, I only made the texture and modified the default NBB_Bismark skin. Thanks to Highbury and Ragtag for the reminder about that last one.

Install with JSGME or manually copy all DDS files in their respective folders.
Accurate German Flags V.1.01 by Trevally. on 01-12-13

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

05-22-10 at 06:22 AM
Thanks a lot man...I appreciate it
10-02-10 at 02:15 AM
political correctness are constraints that law and governments place upon us......History is what has been without the interference of the present generation
10-05-10 at 10:21 AM
Karl Von Hallinon
02-01-15 at 05:28 AM
Cheers mate , the fake flags were annoying, made me want to turn my deck gun on my own ships
03-17-10 at 09:13 PM
I hear talk about using a download manager to add the mod, is this something I can get on here? Just joined and still new.
03-05-10 at 11:39 PM
Now that looks better in-game. I have no love for what the Nazi's did for the historic swastika, but I do have a penchant for history.
Thankyou etheberge.
03-05-10 at 09:42 AM
why is everyone so afraid to put that symbol up, totally ruins the feel of a ww2 game without it. thanks!! Heil!
03-05-10 at 11:41 PM
And I'd change that rating for the file: A
03-06-10 at 01:57 AM
Well in Germany it is illegal maybe in some other country's aswell. Thanks for the work.
03-08-10 at 08:10 AM
i like it
03-09-10 at 04:14 AM
03-09-10 at 12:28 PM
danke für diesen mod!! best wishes from east germany
03-10-10 at 12:29 PM
@mondaiji: Yes its illegal, but it matches history.... however thanks for the work!
03-11-10 at 04:30 AM
03-11-10 at 04:41 PM
Thank you. I want historic correctness-not political correctness...
03-14-10 at 12:58 PM
for me to, historic correctness, regards from Germany and thx ...
03-18-10 at 10:28 AM
I found the jsgme download,am using it now. WOW
03-19-10 at 01:43 AM
Nice work! It adds a nice touch of realism to the game!
03-26-10 at 08:20 PM
Nice work!
04-22-10 at 01:36 PM
Thanks, good work..
04-30-10 at 04:26 PM
Nice work! Thank you!
12-28-11 at 04:42 PM
07-16-11 at 04:34 PM
08-03-11 at 01:55 AM
The most important mod for sure!
Pzk M
08-10-11 at 02:39 AM
Thx this game is so important to me
08-20-11 at 12:24 PM
Thanks great work
Hansi Lust
10-21-11 at 10:46 PM
Thanks for the mod! But it doesn't change over for the museum ships, right?
11-12-11 at 01:36 PM
Great work.
01-17-12 at 09:00 AM
Thanks!It's great
04-09-12 at 01:29 AM
Great Job!

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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