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File Name: OpsMonsun_V705 (272.83 MB) Download
Author: lurker_hlb3 (Uploaded by lurker_hlb3)
Date Added: 05-03-09
Downloads: 18266
Grade: A+
Latest version of Operation Monsun

Go here for details
OpsMonsun_V705 by lurker_hlb3 on 05-03-09

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

01-02-10 at 06:12 PM
12-07-09 at 04:50 PM
A greeting to all, I am new to the forum SUBSIM, I dearles a hug for everyone.
john von holmes
01-06-10 at 09:16 AM
i keep getting an error message when im downloading this mod, saying that the file is damaged
01-09-10 at 11:21 PM
01-20-10 at 04:25 PM
Hello, I really like the idea of this mod I am trying to install with RFB 2.0 and RSRDC_RFB 575 + relevant fixes/patches, i have a question though.

Should i just enable the mods in order like it says in the info for OM or should i patch each mod before enabling the next? or should i leave the patches out altogether? or enable all the patches after all the main mods are enabled?, ok thats actually 3 questions, I will have to restrain myself from asking more right now. (I have many many more rattling round in my tiny mind!) Any helpful feedback would be appreciated, or even just mildy commical replies if thats all you can offer!

P.S. You modders have created some excellent work thankyou very much u turned a half finished piece of software into a fully playable epic for me.
01-30-10 at 07:03 PM
Best is to use the mod manager, turn on version 705 then 720 (confirm when it asks to) and last the latest patch.

Just activate in the order and confirm as required. That's it
03-06-10 at 06:00 AM
Bonjour et merci super mod !!!
03-21-10 at 03:59 AM
hello am damage NBB jeanbart bug NBB richelieu
04-18-10 at 08:20 PM
How do you pull this out of a zip file and get it to work on a stock sh4?
It's my first try at installing a mod so i've got no clue.
02-09-11 at 12:02 PM
01-05-12 at 12:49 PM
You make it great, awesome and easy. Easy i means is you give a guide or option for me to install this mod with other additional mod that compatible and match with this mod. And now, i am going to go for the third one from the option 2. It's very helpful for newbe like me. Good work!
05-17-12 at 10:13 AM
I am new on the forum, i have read the details of the work you do for ops Monsun , i would say you my "admiration" for these contribution and send you congratulations.


09-16-12 at 03:51 PM
Hi, I'm new here just wondering if there is some other megamod for sh4, just like GWX for sh3 that enchances the visual effects a bit
10-30-12 at 01:09 PM
Hi, pls help me, how i install??? i need simple put in the folder mods? pls help!!!

01-04-13 at 03:58 AM
looks good
01-18-13 at 06:12 AM
Hi, this mod is really awesome.
Manner of the game changes entirely, certainly on better.
Very GOOD work.
05-19-13 at 12:27 AM
Good job, continue refueling
03-27-18 at 06:44 AM
can you play as type xxi (21)?
Captain Ken
10-30-13 at 07:26 PM
I am very new here, trying to get a handle on this MOD thing.

I was looking forward to trying the Operation Monsun set of files, and set about downloading the files as per the guide.

I started out with a clean install of SH4 V 1.4, and following the OM guide, activated the RSRDC V550 mod. That went fine, and then I next tried to activate the RSRDC_V5xx_patch 1. Immediately I was presented with some 25 conflicts of files previously changed by the previous mod.

I figured I probably should have started with a clean SH4 V1.5, so I removed the mod, and installed the U-Boat upgrade. I reactivated the V550 mod, which again went fine. But as soon as I tried to activate the V5xx_Patch 1, and again was advised I had 25 conflicts from files changed by the previous mod.

So, I don't know what might be happening here. Is this caused by something I am doing wrong? I couldn't find anything that really told me if I should start this with a V1.4 stock or 1.5 version.

Using WinMerge to try and overcome all these conflicts would be a big job, and I can't help but think there must be something going on that I don't understand.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.
03-04-14 at 03:46 AM
Good work! Thank you!: Cool:
10-06-14 at 02:10 PM
Great Mod!!
12-25-14 at 08:25 AM
I really like this mod, I don't know the shortcuts of torpedo,I press enter or CTRL + enter doesn't work,Who can help me,please
09-18-16 at 07:02 PM
@Leech, you are referring to U-864 I believe, (under KpLt. Ralf-Reimar Wolfram) and they were Japanese scientists iirc.
01-02-15 at 09:02 PM
I wish some one would create an operation paper clip mod whereas the Germans have an Artic base where subs use an under water access to port, and on the American side they have sub as an escort. Maybe the Germans have wounder weapons like foo fighters coming out of the water and shooting at the ships..And it would be nice to have Jap subs like the the one that can launch 3-4 airplanes, and the German mission where they have to deliver Jap officers and Ur-238 w- a disasslembled fighter jet..
01-02-15 at 09:07 PM
How about a German wounder weapon mod where you can create your own sub like one with a cannon turret like on a battle ship pop out of the water and fire on air craft, basses, and ships? Or reverse debt charges ( to have fire a debt charge to explode on the surface...
01-25-15 at 08:55 PM
Great Mod!!
03-25-15 at 04:30 AM
Awesome mod !
01-14-16 at 03:09 PM
Thanks a lot.
02-28-16 at 08:12 PM
Very Nice Man Thank You
05-13-16 at 05:10 PM
Great mod.

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
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