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Download File (Click for description) Date Downloads Comments
Downloads  MADE IN FRANCE I MOD : Historical context: A)The class A69 D'Estienne d'Orves constitutes a series of corvettes (or "Avisos") of twenty ships,designed and ... [more] (31.43 MB) 09-10-23 159 0
Downloads  MOTHERLAND II MOD : Historical context: A) Spain: The six Santa Maria-class frigate ships were produced between 1984 to 1993 in the Izar Shipyard, Ferro ... [more] (47.68 MB) 08-13-23 107 0
Downloads  NUKE MISSING LINK II - UPGRADE - "The Two Lives of : NOTE: Requires the download and installation of the base mod "The Two Lives of the Wolf". In this upgrade the bow of the submarine was ... [more] (21.02 MB) 07-21-23 53 0
Downloads  MOTHERLAND I : Historical context:With the intention of replacing the obsolete American submarines of the Balao Class of its fleet,in May 1975 the Spa ... [more] (27.02 MB) 07-09-23 70 0
Downloads  GAROTA DE NITEROI (Girl from Niterói) MOD : Historical context: The Niteroi class responded to Brazil’s interest in replacing its veteran fleet of American destroyers dating back ... [more] (41.00 MB) 06-26-23 38 0
Downloads  MINI MOD MISSILES II / EXOCET : HISTORIC CONTEXT: The first version to enter combat was the AM39 during the first Gulf War between Iran and Iraq from 1980 to 1988. ... [more] (11.32 MB) 05-29-23 50 0
Downloads  TR-1700 MOD : The TR-1700 class of diesel-electric oceanic patrol submarines,a joint German-Argentine construction, was operated by the Argentine Nav ... [more] (3.76 MB) 05-17-23 94 0
Downloads  "The Two Lives of the Wolf" : Historical context: "The Two Lives of the Wolf" 1st Epoch:The United States Navy’s 4,000-ton USS Nautilus was recognized as the worl ... [more] (30.89 MB) 05-13-23 132 0
Downloads  NUCLEAR MISSING LINK : Historical context: This mod attempts to revive the early years of the Cold War and the dawn of the use of nuclear power on surface ... [more] (349.9 KB) 04-12-23 82 0
Downloads  MISSING LINK : Historical context: This mod attempts to revive the early years of the Cold War, when the United States and the USSR turned to Germa ... [more] (193.2 KB) 03-22-23 62 0
Downloads  EARLY FREEZE : This mod attempts to revive the early years of the Cold War, when the United States and the USSR turned to German submarine propulsion ... [more] (193.2 KB) 03-19-23 101 0
Downloads  "1984" : "1984" will not speak of the work of Orwell. Simply it placed to the submarine type 209 temporarily in that year of service. ... [more] (3.76 MB) 02-26-23 63 0
Downloads  Gearing-Class Destroyers Hispanic-American Navies : Since Gearing-class Destroyers have also played an important role in the Spanish and Latin American navies, I decided to give them thei ... [more] (1.25 MB) 10-21-22 108 0
Downloads  MINI MOD - AIR-SURFACE MISSILES : A mini mod without many pretensions, but that tries to alleviate the lack of air-surface missiles really operating from aircraft. Lack ... [more] (3.6 KB) 09-06-22 115 0
Downloads  DM - CTM mod ( DotMod - Custom Tactical Mod ) : DM - CTM mod ( DotMod - Custom Tactical Mod ) 1.) Optional Information On Hud Customization Options Dot Mod HUD Scale & ... [more] (2.67 MB) 02-21-22 624 1
Downloads  CW~Enh~FTL-1 : CW~Enh-FTL-1 Coldwaters Enhanced Flight 1 For ---{ CW 1.15g & PBS }--- ==================================================== ... [more] (159.30 MB) 09-11-21 542 0
Downloads  RussianHudCampaignVoiceAttackProfiles819F : DOT/dotmega Update to RussianHudCampaignVoiceAttackProfiles819F...fixed error and added 2004 campaign...updates to voice attack profile ... [more] (291.07 MB) 08-26-21 138 0
Downloads  Playable Blue Whale : Natures revenge come to life with a playable Blue Whale!:arrgh!::haha: (37.09 MB) 05-25-20 142 3
Downloads  CW_REDOCTOBER_SILENT_VLS : Hey guys I was thinking why does the Typhoon not have a VLS. I mean the reason it is so big is so that it can carry a large number of S ... [more] (2.9 KB) 07-03-18 850 7
Downloads  Red Storm Rising FREEROAM mod : Red Storm Rising FREEROAM Mod v0.1c --- by Skyhigh/Racer_D 17/8/2017 Features: --- Freeroam: you will not get missions during th ... [more] (19.46 MB) 08-17-17 3189 26
Downloads  Cold Waters Realism Mod : With the new beta of Cold Waters (1.09b) I've decided to upgrade my mod. Below is a readme file: Installation: Place the override fol ... [more] (13.3 KB) 07-24-17 2275 17
Downloads  Cold Waters Soviet Campaign : Soviet Campaigns (North Atlantic Red 1984 and North Atlantic Red 1968) The mod is an attempt at making 1984 and 1968 campaign playab ... [more] (24.47 MB) 07-10-17 9048 83
Downloads  Permit and LA Available Boats Mod : This mod limits the boats you can be issued in the Permit class to only the short hull, small sail boats as pictured in the game. Los A ... [more] (2.8 KB) 07-10-17 329 3
Downloads  Omitted American Submarines : Updated for game version 1.08C Installation instructions copy the "override" folder from this download into your C:\Program Files (x8 ... [more] (8.19 MB) 07-07-17 4213 24
Downloads  Longer Campaigns: Marathon Edition : Tested compatibility: 1.07d (maintained) Special thanks: Killerfish Games Discussion thread can be found here BACKGROUND I fo ... [more] (9.4 KB) 06-23-17 1256 8
Downloads  500-yard MAD Range : Tested compatibility: 1.06b (updated) Special thanks: Xenophobia Discussion thread can be found here DESCRIPTION This simple ... [more] (3.0 KB) 06-18-17 1071 5
Downloads  Refined Sonar and Countermeasures : UPDATED TO WORK WITH CURRENT VERSION 11.11.2018 Changelog 11.11.2018 1. Updated to work with current version Cold Waters Databa ... [more] (530.3 KB) 06-12-17 1813 15

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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