View Full Version : Action in the North Atlantic

10-03-06, 12:25 PM
Due out today in the U.S. (I don't know if this applies elsewhere) is the second volume of the collected films of Humphrey Bogart; aside from the classic "Maltese Falcon" (in a 3 disc presentation), the collection includes the film "Action in the North Atlantic", a 1943 film about a convoy fighting off U-boat attacks on the way from Halifax to Murmansk. Bogart stars as the First Officer of a Liberty ship with Raymond Massey as tha captain. There are some of the usual, laughable Hollywood conceptions of U-boats, but the film is interesting nonetheless.

11-06-06, 02:30 PM
I loved this movie. I'm not even a big war movie fan (hated Air Force) but AitNA was great. It had the right mix of visuals, timing, hammy Hollywood character actors and morale boosting. The Germans were terrifying without even coming off as evil (an effect compounded in scenes where the U-boats get smacked) while the flick shows unglamorous Merchies were.