View Full Version : I love my Metox & Radar

03-06-06, 01:19 PM
Lets not muck about. Metox is fantastic. Once you pick up that "Radar Detected" you can either dive or fight. I usually dive, more real, but sometimes if the incoming is just a single plane I might try and take him out before the pack shows.And show they will.

Radar used in bad weather and miles from shore - excellent. No pesky planes to interfer whilst you set up your surface attack using your radar. Bugger the world picking it up. The deed will be done and your out of town when the possee turns up. Beam on attack, a couple of fish out of the fog and away.

03-07-06, 12:26 AM
Ya, Metox is great, but if I get a single "signals detected" I get worried because it can be a single plane(which has happened) or a lone destroyer on patrol. I've made a habbit of going to periscope depth and personally checking the hydrophone, if there's a fast screw heard, I'll go ahead slow and run at peri for a few hours until he's gone or if the seas are rough I'll do the same because you can't shoot planes with high winds. If the seas are calm and no screws present...it's alway's fun to shoot some birds outta the sky.