View Full Version : Getting frustrated

12-31-05, 05:50 AM

I ve been playing SH3 for quite a while now and some things are driving me crazy, so maybe someone has a good advice.

First thing is the enourmous lag when the periscope view is breaking the water line. In high seas I can barely rotate the periscope, let alone using the mouse cursor (it lags like hell!) to find out range/aob/speed.

The weird part is, that it runs _perfectly_ smooth as soon as the pixelshader effect (I assume its PS, the effect that blurs the picture), fades away, and as soon as the effect starts again, the lag is back again.
Now whats really odd, is the fact that it doesnt happen straight away. I can sink a ship without problems and the blur effects doesnt make the game lag when I just entered the game. So I thought, maybe my grafx card is overheating, but its not, I checked it.

I also noticed, when this blur-lag, how I call it, starts I usually also have lag on the bridge when the bow-spray-water comes into view.
At other times again, no problems at all.
I dont get it.
Is there any way to turn off this blur effect? Any file I could kill or modify to remove this effect from the game? Any settings I can adjust to make it less of a performance killer?
I have an amd cpu with a P-Rating of 4200 and an ATI 9800XT. 1GB RAM.

Okay, that was technical stuff, now on to gameplay:

In reallife the torps where set before shooting, right? Each torp could have a solution. When I fire on 4 ships, is it somehow possible to enter a solution for each tube? So far, I have to make a solution, fire, solution2, fire2, solution3, fire3 and usually I dont get to fire 4, or even 3, because the targets are away. If I could enter the solutions for each tube before hand, I would just have to press fire in the right moment. Speed, depth and pistol are saved for each tube, but TDC data apparently isnt.

Locating ships via your officers:
It often happens to me, that I am engaging a ship on the surface (using eel or gun, doesnt matter) and then another ship is spotted. Then i order my 1WO to the bridge to ask him what bearing the spotted contact is, and he only reports the ship that I am engaging already. Isnt there a simple way to ask your crew: Hey, you just spotted a ship, could you please tell me _WHERE?_ Or a way to cycle through all available sightings? Same goes for hydrophone, I want him to track the next target, but I cant tell him. All I can apparently tell him is to track the nearest target, not the next target.
I really like to play the game as if Im the captain asking my crew for information etc, but I suppose the game is not really made for that (or they tried, but didnt think it through).

One last thing: Is there a file I can mod to have the bearing lines on nav map, since the sonar guy cannot tell me the whereabouts of another target in range but the nearest / nearest manowar, but without having the full map update?

I hope someone got some clues, any help appreciated!

Thank you!


12-31-05, 07:39 AM
Cant help with the tech stuff, but as for firing solutions. Im assuming you are using manual targetting. There is no way to set a sulution for each torp before firing. However, when attacking ships in a convoy it can be assumed that they are all traveling at the same speed and bearing. So, once you get a solution for one target then you will only need to get range for any subsequent targets. (assuming they dont change course or speed). The TDC will remember the speed and the AOB will be automatically refigured by the TDC from the postion of you optics.

As for the other stuff. Well that s why I have kept my map updates on. I know its not strickly realistic. However, In real life that crewman would be pointing at any sightings, which they dont do in game. For me its one of those realism vs gameplay issues.