View Full Version : Rain

09-25-05, 01:06 PM
I never seem to get any rain even in heavy seas with thunder and lightning. is there a patch or something that adds rain?

or have I gone a little loopy and just been unlucky to not get any rain? ;)

09-25-05, 02:22 PM
If you have the most recent patch (1.4b) you should get the rain. There was a bug with the rain before the patch that made it virtually impossible to ever see it on some video cards. :up:

09-25-05, 02:23 PM
I found that sometimes you have to be patient and that the rain comes and the rain goes, it's an intermitten thing. Like in my last Patrol, I had calm sea's almost the whole time, very unusual, but enjoyable, I actually had a chance to use ALL my ammo on ships and scored big. Good hunting.. -Nightowl

09-25-05, 02:45 PM
I've had rain for weeks during patrols! (1.4 but with a clean install as well)
It is quite dangerous, especially with time compression.....
DD's will start firing (and hitting) you before you know what happened!
I prefer blue skies!

09-25-05, 03:16 PM
I get tons of rain...oddly though whenever I ask the navigator for a weather report he always says "Precipitation none". Makes me want to drag his butt topside.

09-25-05, 03:18 PM
I hardly see any rain, navigator says it should be raining, but cant see it.

I`m installing patch 1.4b atm, so maybe that´ll fixes it.

09-25-05, 04:16 PM
I've got rain all the time at my patrol now (and heavy fog), it's very irritating because I can hear ships but I can't see them and sink.

09-25-05, 05:55 PM
I get bucket loads of it with heavy sea heavy fog and it last forever at least 72 hrs all the mos I got installed is Sky mod V1.0 and HT and the Uniform mod V2.0 every time (last 3 times)I encounter a convoy it's too dangerous to sink moe than 2 ships am not going to kill 51 men for taking out a convoy in heavy fog and rain.

Von Scheerbach
09-26-05, 05:07 PM
Andy & Jaxa, I hear you! I was in a storm for 2 solid weeks once. I'd kill not to see any rain!!!

Prior to 1942, anyway. After that, I love the rain & fog. It gives me a few hours to recharge the batteries in peace.

09-26-05, 08:09 PM
I finally experienced this for the first time last night (after 20 or so patrols over two careers) - when I saved and quit the other night it was storming 15m/s with heavy rain, which I could see just fine and my Nav reported correctly.

When I loaded up that saved game last night, it was still storming 15m/s and raining hard visually, but my Nav reported "no rain" - that went on for a day or so, but after about the third time I dived for a 'phones check and then resurfaced the Nav started reporting the heavy rain again. Although I've seen rain in storms (and storms without rain) lots of times over all those patrols and my Nav has always gotten his reports right up to now, this may have been the first time I ever quit/saved while it was raining - it's got me wondering if this bug may have something to do with the problems the game has in retaining saved game states sometimes (I've learned my lesson about never saving while in close proximity to the enemy, after having been perfectly safe and undetected when I saved and being DC'd and dead before I even finished loading into the save game when I came back).

09-26-05, 08:20 PM
I found that sometimes you have to be patient and that the rain comes and the rain goes,

Yes, that's what I found, too.
But I've even had rain turn into a snowsquall! (not running any mods yet, so snow must be in there.)

Lining up my target in heavy seas, black sky, and a blinding snowsquall was a freakin' nightmare!! Pretty cool with the lightning and everything, though. And spooky.

09-26-05, 09:09 PM
Skubber wrote: But I've even had rain turn into a snowsquall! (not running any mods yet, so snow must be in there.)

Lining up my target in heavy seas, black sky, and a blinding snowsquall was a freakin' nightmare!! Pretty cool with the lightning and everything, though. And spooky.[/quote]

I've never yet have seen snow, did not know it was in the game. -Nightowl