View Full Version : I did a Gibraltor run

07-29-05, 06:12 AM
Damn that was close :o

Inched my way in 50 meters depth with Sonar guy working his nipples off.

Got into Gib harbour -- and whacked 2x T2 Tankers a small merchant and a Flower Corvette

Destroyer came in behind me - no doubt their sonar guy jumped when the first torp struck the side of one of the T2 Tankers..... so came straight for my position

Destroyer depthcharged me ....first round of depthcharges bounced us about like crazy -- damaged my conning tower so badly it couldnt be repaired -- I had no Periscopes, radio or anywhere to put watch crew.

It took ages trying to second guess the destroyer and inch away

in the end the Destroyer lost our scent and we skidaddled down to 120 meters silent running

it was a very close call :doh:

07-29-05, 06:20 AM
With which U-Boot did you do it?

07-29-05, 06:21 AM
That is a heck of a place to get thru.

07-29-05, 06:23 AM
i tried it with the IXD2 and got creamed.

funny how all of a sudden i was detected although i was running slow rigged silent... :stare:

07-29-05, 06:24 AM

07-29-05, 06:25 AM
Damn that was close :o

Inched my way in 50 meters depth with Sonar guy working his nipples off.

Got into Gib harbour -- and whacked 2x T2 Tankers a small merchant and a Flower Corvette

Destroyer came in behind me - no doubt their sonar guy jumped when the first torp struck the side of one of the T2 Tankers..... so came straight for my position

Destroyer depthcharged me ....first round of depthcharges bounced us about like crazy -- damaged my conning tower so badly it couldnt be repaired -- I had no Periscopes, radio or anywhere to put watch crew.

It took ages trying to second guess the destroyer and inch away

in the end the Destroyer lost our scent and we skidaddled down to 120 meters silent running

it was a very close call :doh:

I can boast that I also made in into the harbour of Gibraltar once........took ages because of silent running. I even sank a tanker there.....
Getting there and away is hell because of all the patrol vessels and aircraft....Quite hostile waters... :gulp:

07-29-05, 07:02 AM
I worked my way into the Gibralter straight recently. Used my VIIC and crept in slowly picking my way through the patrols. Since I was fairly close by I thought I'd use the free cam to check out the harbor. As I "fly" up I see gun emplacements hanging in mid air...whoops land ain't there yet. So, work in a little closer, now there's land, but no port. Get in closer, guns, land, ships, no port yet still. Finally get close enough that the port shows up...and now the tanker I saw earlier is sinking because a pier appeared in it's bow. Ha! Oh well.

07-29-05, 07:33 AM
I'm in U-107 -IXB out of Lorient 2nd Flotilla- 25th June 1941 :ping:

It was my 18th Patrol -- on the way back after patroling a grid square in the mid- Atlantic -- I saw Gib and decided to run it ... I'm such a n00b -- U107 is now back in its pen having it's bitz welded back on :smug:

Footnote: I dont think I'll try it again :down:

Bill Nichols
07-29-05, 08:11 AM
From Adm. Doenitz's memoirs:

"Of the first group of U-boats which penetrated into the Mediterranean Sea in September [1941] not one was lost during the passage through the Straits [of Gibraltar]. Of the second group one boat was lost. Of those that followed later, by which time the defenses had been very considerably strengthened, three were destroyed and five were so severely damaged by aircraft bombing attacks that they had to abandon their attempt and return to their bases on the Bay of Biscay. This corresponded to a loss of one-third of the boats engaged."

Memoirs - Ten Years and Twenty Days, pp. 160-161.

07-29-05, 03:14 PM
I eased my VIIB into Gibraltar on my prior patrol (which isn't over, but I wanted to start a new one) and was disappointed...it was night and there was a strong fog. The two ships I found, one was a cargo ship halfway through the docks. The other was there, a large tanker, apparantly whole, but seemingly torpedoproof. I shot several into it, not even so much as a minor flame. I left banging my head on the attack periscope, with escorts coming to me (the smaller of which, patrol boats I assume, were sinking themselves out in the strait! Lots of grey sunk boat icons)

I don't know that I'll be going there again anytime soon.

Instead, I took my IIB (new career, as I said) into Scapa Flow without incident, but only able to take out one of the three destroyers parked there. And no big captial ships yet. I even took the south channel in! But the docks themselves never showed up on my map, even close in, and there were no ships save the parked Tribals (got one, only had 2 torps left and the other must have hit bottom)

Ah well :)

07-29-05, 03:25 PM
sometimes it is difficult to see which side of the dock they are on and you think you are torpedoing the ship when its part of the dockside instead of zee ship ;)

07-29-05, 03:34 PM
sometimes it is difficult to see which side of the dock they are on and you think you are torpedoing the ship when its part of the dockside instead of zee ship ;)

Nope, I'm playing at 74% realism, I could see the red ship sitting there next to the dock...

Only thing I can think of is if they maybe were hitting a mine or subnet?

Oh..and finally got that horrible screeching noise when I went into Scapa -- I'd not heard it in well more than a month of playing. Made me jump.

07-29-05, 10:12 PM
Oh..and finally got that horrible screeching noise when I went into Scapa -- I'd not heard it in well more than a month of playing. Made me jump.

What is that noise anyway? It seems like I only get it when loading a game submerged.

Duncan Idaho
07-29-05, 11:15 PM
Oh..and finally got that horrible screeching noise when I went into Scapa -- I'd not heard it in well more than a month of playing. Made me jump.

What is that noise anyway? It seems like I only get it when loading a game submerged.

It's some kind of sound loop, two files being played over and over. You can rename two files and you'll never hear it again. (They are the 'Submarine net' collision sounds, if you rename them, you'll still hear the sounds of your hull hitting the net, just not the net sound itself, definitely worth renaming the files)

The two files are:

They can be found in your sh3/data/sound folder. Just rename them and you'll never have to hear that again. (And if you use headphones like some of us, you'll be VERY happy about that!)

07-30-05, 05:10 AM
1944, Type IX, patch 1.4b, realism 90-something percent

Learn for how long you can travel on battery on low speed. At slow speed that translates into something like 80-90 km, and still reserves left. Mark that distance in the center of danger, in the street. Make a surface approach at night to the starting point of that line, then dive as deep as possible and travel the whole distance at day, make maximum use of your batteries and oxygen supply. Don't exceed the lower speed settings. Take care of raising ocean floor, don'T crash into it. stay at 150-200 m for the most. When you are forced to come up again, 12 hours or so will be over, probably it will be already dark again, and the street already lies behind you.

Did that four times with destroyers constantly patrolling, never had no problem. In fact it was so boring that after the fourth passage I ignored the Med from that on.

07-31-05, 01:10 PM
I did my first running of the Gibralter gauntlet last night in Feb of '40, but went for juicier targets in the Med: Alexandria and Port Said. I was at first surprised by the amount of iron Britain has out there patrolling the straight, but I got through mostly on silent running at 125m.

I then went hunting in the Med for a bit , then decided to try out Alexandria and Port Said. I arrived at Alexandria with 11 torpedoes and sank a docked Fiji light cruiser, a docked aux cruiser, and a docked Nelson battleship; then a C-Class destroyer, a Tribal, and two V&W destroyers as I escaped undetected. :arrgh!:

I then went to Port Said with only 3 torpedoes and sank a docked C3. I fired off my last two torpedoes at a docked T2's fuel bunkers, but those things seem to be unsinkable for some reason. Ticked off, I snuck up between the still bouyant T2 and the semi-submerged C3, surfaced, and took down the T2 with my deck gun. I also managed to take out the two Elco's and an armed trawler that were trying to get me from behind the T2. :lol:

Sans torpedoes, I snuck out of Port Said at silent at 20m with two tribals, a V&W, and a C-Class hunting me... That was some of the best hunting I've done in a while. :rock:

08-01-05, 05:51 PM
so i gave it another shot with my IXD2...

following skybirds' advice, i made it thru no sweat. the secret being to run deep and silent. i ran silent before but not deep enough. this time i placed my course over the deep water designations on the map and just cruised thru. did take a long time, glad i had the mongo batteries. lots of contacts.

now i'm loose in the med...siteseeing...will eventually head over to the black sea to see if i can get thru.

oh btw, this was september 1943

08-01-05, 09:33 PM
Gibraltar did a run on me!


08-03-05, 07:42 AM
Hi guys,

I did made a trip to Gilbratar, but I didn't saw any ship in the docks. After that I tried other harbours with the same results.

I was surprised, and even went to camera mod and whach over the entire harbour and never saw a ship inside.

Do you have any mods intalled to get ships on harbours??
