View Full Version : SH5 additions to SH4 - confusion

07-18-18, 10:09 PM
In cranking up SH4 (v1.4) again and reviewing the forum, I noticed that SH5 has been recommended as adding more capability to SH4. What goodies does SH5 bring to an unmodded SH4 v1.4 installation?

07-18-18, 10:28 PM
SH5 is its own game, unrelated (well... sort of) to SH4. SH4 is Pacific Theatre of Operations, originally only with US Fleetboats, and SH5 took the game back to the Atlantic Theatre of Operations, as German U-Boats, with a re-worked UI... I ~still~ can't get up and down ladders in that game... sigh

SH4 v1.5 is the latest / greatest update for "Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific", aka: "Silent Hunter 4:Wolves of the Pacific". If you have your install updated to v1.4, that is the last of the free updates that Ubisoft offered. The v1.5 update has the Uboat Missions Add-On. They rolled that into the "Gold Edition - Silent Hunter: Wolves of the Pacific" release shortly after.

Some of the mods that work on v1.4 are available here, including Fall of the Rising Sun v2.0 (NOT the Ultimate Edition), which is in German only. You might be able to dig up TMO v1.6 (1.6.7?), and some of Websters mods work in v1.4, but most others would be unavailable here. One place you could look would be NexusMods (https://www.nexusmods.com/silenthunter4wolvesofthepacific/mods/), but about all they have are old versions of mods. They did "capture" some of the old FileFront stuff, but not all of it, and some of the mods they have do not have all of the parts. They leave it up to the user to determine suitability for their use...

07-19-18, 03:08 PM
Many thanks... guess that's the "norm" for a game that continues to have an active following a decade after "official" support dried up... Glad that SubSim is around to herd the cats... Ordered SH5 just 'cuz I enjoy SH4 so much.

Other than the Uboats and Atlantic campaign, does v1.5 add any other functionality to the core SH4 features and gameplay?

07-19-18, 04:32 PM
No, SH4 v1.5 doesn't have the Atlantic Theatre, unless you apply mods. The "ocean" is there, but no traffic is scripted for it. SH5 has the Atlantic Theatre Ops. Very pretty graphics. This numbering stuff can be confusing... especially when it comes to numbering mods for the different game releases... :doh:

The SH4 v1.5 "update" is called an "Add-on", and Ubisoft charged money for it as such. However, it did fix a few nigglies left in v1.4, and apparently didn't break very much. It also only loads the "assets" that it needs into memory as your boat encounters them, making the game run more efficiently. The biggest thing about v1.5 is that when it came out over 10 years ago, almost all modders quit writing for v1.4, so most of the mods available are for v1.5... :salute:

07-19-18, 04:57 PM
One good thing about enjoying a decade old game is that the software cost is much more reasonable :D
I downloaded the add-on and ordered SH5 just 'cuz... Will play them OOB till boredom sets in, then look into the mods... THAT appears to open up an ocean of options!
