View Full Version : Mass Shooting at New Jersey Arts Festival Leaves 22 Injured and 1 Dead

06-18-18, 07:34 AM
TRENTON — Krystal Knapp was 15 minutes from the end of her shift as a volunteer at the entrance to the Art All Night festival in Trenton when she heard some scuffling.
Peering into the long and narrow former factory building where the festival was being held, she saw paintings being knocked to the floor. She heard screams and gunshots as people hurtled toward the exit and she was pushed to the ground and trampled.
Ms. Knapp sought shelter behind a car. Then, 15 feet away, one of the gunmen was shot and killed.


Sorry that this is the case.

06-18-18, 11:54 AM
No offense, but i dont imagine there are a lot of self defense enthusiasts at these kinds of art festivals.

Another soft target, in another state that, for the most part, doesnt grant its citizens the right to conceal carry a firearm.

no intention of starting another gun debate - because frankly there are always going to be those who believe that an individual's rights to self defense are a core liberty not to be infringed upon (me), and there will always be those who think only the police should have guns and its their job to defend you even if it takes them 10-15 minutes or longer to get around to it - and minds generally are hard to change.

All i know, is 23 people impacted, 23 moms, sisters, brothers, fathers, fiances wifes and hubsands changed forever... not because a crazy a-hole had a gun... but because nobody else did. statistically speaking, if new jersey had been a conceal carry / open carry / will issue state - like my own Republic of Texas, someone would have been able to correct the crazy a-hole problem in short order.

New Jersey is a "may issue state" meaning that they may or may not issue a conceal carry permit to a civilian who applies for one, but according to groups who monitor that sort of thing, often licenses are not approved unless you are prior or current military or police etc.

if ONE person within proximity to the shooting had applied for a conceal carry permit, and was denied on no other grounds other than New Jersey reserves the right to deny issuance to anyone for any reason - the state should be held liable as far as im concerned.

every time i go to the grocery store, i see several people carrying firearms. It doesn't bother me, because first off, im fairly confident that they are like minded people who would defend me as quickly as i them, and second... my wife and i frequently shop together, and between the two of us there is a small gun battle to be willingly doled out should one be demanded of us.

I pray it never happens... i also pray i never have a vehicle fire, but i have the extinguisher in my door side compartment anyhow.

06-18-18, 03:38 PM
...and all the more laughable after the Governor of New Jersey signed even more (do nothing) bills into law. At least one of the shooters had a weapon with an "extended capacity magazine" - case in point that gun laws are routinely scoffed at by criminals. If you want to do something about gun crime, passing another law isn't going to do it.

Onkel Neal
06-18-18, 04:49 PM
Yeah, I doubt any NRA members were involved in this

06-18-18, 04:53 PM
Yeah, I doubt any NRA members were involved in this

And yet, in the comments on the article, you'll find a few people placing blame at the NRA's feet :doh:

06-18-18, 05:27 PM
the fact that a specific Trenton, New Jersey shooting made the news is news in itself.

I think shootings in Trenton are scheduled on a community calendar on the city website weeks in advance :roll:

06-18-18, 05:45 PM

I think shootings in Trenton are scheduled on a community calendar on the city website weeks in advance :roll:

Normally what you said would be looked upon as sarcasm. But there is truth in your words.

Reed Gusciora, the mayor-elect, confirmed there had been unspecified threats of violence before the shooting. He said he had received a screenshot of a Facebook post on Sunday that said: “Please, please do not go to Art All Night! They will be shooting it up!”

06-18-18, 09:53 PM
And just released...

"Police identified the suspect as Tahaij Wells, 33, who is believed to have been killed by police, prosecutor Angelo Onofri said. Wells had just been released from prison on homicide-related charges, Onofri said. Officials have also charged Amir Armstrong, 23, on weapons offenses"


06-19-18, 12:03 AM
And just released...

"Police identified the suspect as Tahaij Wells, 33, who is believed to have been killed by police, prosecutor Angelo Onofri said. Wells had just been released from prison on homicide-related charges, Onofri said."


On parole. :yeah: Clearly the NRA is to blame. :doh:

06-19-18, 02:30 AM
I've never understood the NRA blame game.

perhaps it is easiest to blame a large, faceless entity like the NRA as the bad guy than it is to actually accept that some people are just screwed up and the world we live in is occasionally an ugly thing?

I mean, helping protect second amendment freedoms by offering collective gun owners a singular voice is just a part of what the NRA does.

they promote gun safety programs and help people with safe, effective self defense firearms training etc

Jumping up and down and blaming the NRA for a mass shooting is no different than blaming AOPA for 9/11 or trying to hold AAA accountable for the damages done by a drunk driver.

Personal responsibility is just such an alien concept to some people. yet I dont understand how.

the media, and i have to say it, the left in particular, has a long standing history of blaming organizations and inanimate objects for violent acts perpetrated by individuals.

if a man smashes out the windows of my vehicle with a baseball bat... i dont hold the bat accountable. I hold the man accountable.

When a drug fueled 20 year old idiot set my car and house on fire... i didnt lay blame at the feet of his drug habit or his cigarette lighter... he was to blame for his act.

the only people impacted by the sudden, knee jerk reaction changes to gun laws, or the sudden, knee jerk reaction of adding new and superfluous gun laws - are law abiding citizens like myself.

i think that would be pretty obvious to anyone not in a comatose condition as evidenced by this particular story.

the guys who perpetrated the shooting obviously had guns / magazines of a type which are illegal in the state of NJ. so what law, on the books in Jersey would have prevented this from going down?

theres not one.

You cannot legislate evil out of the hearts of men. It simply cannot be done.

06-19-18, 02:37 AM
You cannot legislate evil out of the hearts of men. It simply cannot be done.

But you sure as hell should be able to deny them parole. :06:

I wonder if he was radicalized while in prison? :hmmm:

06-19-18, 02:40 AM
But you sure as hell should be able to deny them parole. :06:

one would think so :06: