View Full Version : Anyone else like watching Urban exploring on Youtube?

05-29-18, 08:38 AM
Urban Exploring or 'Ubex' involves the exploration and documentation of old but still existing abandoned buildings and locations, usually in a decaying state and stuck in time. A bit morbid, but sometimes quite fascinating. Although often they are technically trespassing (and sometimes get a ticking off from the authorities,) but they are always respectful of the places they visit, often withholding exact location details, so as not to entice vandals.

Ubex has become abit trendy on youtube in recent years, its become quite saturated even, many so called Urban explorers produce awful click bait where they have clearly set up some phoney paranormal activity or supposed dead bodies etc (and then act terrified as if its a genuine discovery.)

But if anyone's interested in in seeing some of the more honest Urban explorers Who don't engage in all that pretend nonsense, I will make some recommendations below.
For UK Urban exploration.

IKS Exporation.
This guy and his team covers alot of WWII Bunkers and historic sites in UK and Europe.
He's pretty sharp on his history too.

Hell on Earth.
3 lovable but crass Yorkshire Lads who do some great explores, they are not so er, educated, but they are very funny to watch.
Be warned though - alot of fruity language so NSFW!

Couple of my favorites:

For U.S Urban exploration

The Proper People.

This is Dan Bell.

Dans Dead mall series is really good viewing, very nostalgic. He tours alot of failing and decaying malls in various U.S states and often splices in footage of them from their heyday in the 80s and 90s.
His ' Another dirty room' series is great too but not for the faint hearted, him and his companions book the most rundown motels in America and do some basic forensics on them, pretty gross what they find, but worth watching if just for the crazy antics of Rick (Dans friend), who is quite a character :)

One of My favorites, explore of Penn Hills - abandoned 70's honey moon resort in Pennsylvania. (Safe for Work)


05-29-18, 03:29 PM
I find some of this stuff quite interesting, I have sailed past and close by the redsand towers regularly, its quite a good spot for fishing as well. Incidently there is another group of towers on the shivering sands as well.

05-30-18, 04:48 AM
While I do find this interesting, I did too much of this back in my medic days. Oh the memories of getting called to dilapidated buildings and getting assaulted with a 2x4. What fun that was...

05-30-18, 11:58 AM
While I do find this interesting, I did too much of this back in my medic days. Oh the memories of getting called to dilapidated buildings and getting assaulted with a 2x4. What fun that was...

Woah! :)

05-31-18, 02:39 AM
This puts me in mind of the huge interest in exploring places associated with the Chernobyl disaster, like Pripyat

05-31-18, 03:38 AM
Urban Exploring or 'Ubex' involves the exploration and documentation of old but still existing abandoned buildings and locations, usually in a decaying state and stuck in time. A bit morbid, but sometimes quite fascinating. [...]

Sounds perfectly like England :hmmm:


05-31-18, 05:50 AM
Sounds perfectly like England :hmmm:


Oh I'm not so sure....I should imagine Berlin with its interesting past would take some beating.

05-31-18, 06:02 AM
Sounds perfectly like England :hmmm:


Win a free trip to visit my old police station closed down years ago and still standing. All you need is a crow bar and hammer to get though the boarded up areas and once you are in you can have a fun day looking around all the offices and see how many typewriters and drinks machines were left behind. Pick up a free gift like a rubber band or paper clip and don't forget to take lots of pictures. :) :03: