View Full Version : What Remains of Edith Finch

Onkel Neal
03-27-18, 06:05 AM
I was at my daughter's house, we had a small group of family together and I suggested we play What Remains of Edith Finch. Wow, smooth move, Dad. It was very original, compelling, and fun. It took about 4 hours to play, but everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. My other daughter's bf said it was better than most movies.

This game is basically an exploration game with a really strong narrative, I recommend playing with friends/family, to get the most enjoyment out of it.

It is on Steam.

https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/U0c80TfQZyAvz6KptdsKd_YYgSA=/fit-in/1440x1440/uploads%2F2017%2F6%2F21%2FWhat_Remains_of_Edith_Fi nch_20170422000419_1.jpg



03-27-18, 08:06 AM
Could be something for me, i guess, I tremendously liked The Vanishing of Ethan Carter already. Thanks for the tip!

04-22-18, 04:05 PM
Thoroughly enjoyed this game, worth playing :) .

Sean C
04-22-18, 04:58 PM
My wife and I also played it. Very interesting game.

We did experience a bug where one of the characters breaks through a brick wall with a pick axe. After the cut scene, there is no hole in the wall and you can't continue. The solution is to reduce the graphics settings and play the chapter again. Why this works ... I don't know.

Onkel Neal
04-22-18, 08:06 PM
:k_confused: Wow, that's crazy. But glad to know there was a way forward.

06-25-18, 06:24 PM
Less a game, more an animated narration, or interactive movie. But I liked it, it was indeed of the kind I expected. Liked the slow pace and emoptional mood. The end was not as shocking as in Ethan Carter, but it had a twist for sure.

Steam sale, 7 Euros for around 4 hours gameplay. Okay deal, compares to a movie ticket.

If you liked this one, Neal, you will like Ethan Carter as well.