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Onkel Neal
10-23-17, 06:17 AM
I love this guy, he's done a lot with his career. I used to catch him after Walking Dead (before I gave up on that hopeless mess).


“Nothing makes me hotter than dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter,” Mr. Hardwick said. “It’s the only thing that can bring me to cli-math.” (Puns, preferably drenched in sexual innuendo, are a favorite of Mr. Hardwick’s.) “That, and reciting pi to the one-hundredth decimal.”

During rehearsal that afternoon, Mr. Hardwick suddenly splayed his fingers over his closed eyes and reeled off, rapid fire, pi to more than 100 places.

The show’s writers and producers, jaded sorts, began to clap. A “wow” was even heard.

“You’ve always said you were a nerd, but I didn’t believe it till now,” said Josh McDermitt, who plays the mullet-sporting Eugene on “The Walking Dead,” when the host repeated the trick on the show.

10-23-17, 06:42 AM
Interesting article. Thanks for posting it, Neal; you cleared up a question I had a while back. I never watched any of his shows mentioned in the article, but I did see him on an episode of "The Wall". I knew I had seen him before, but I couldn't place the face. Th article solved the mystery: I saw him at Meltdown Comics (and, yes, it is on a forlorn section of Sunset Blvd.) on an odd occasion when I was just browsing through the store. He wasn't there to perform (it was daytime), but when he walked in, he was warmly greeted by the staff; I thought he was a longtime customer or something until I noted some of the other customers also came up to greet him. I figured he must be someone famous and now I know he is...


Onkel Neal
10-23-17, 01:06 PM
Yeah? Cool, that comic shop must be a pretty cool Hangout. I'm always glad to see people succeed when they work hard doing something they love that adds value for other people. So yeah, I'm happy for him.

I still don't like The Walking Dead though haha