View Full Version : First Patrols

09-25-17, 03:22 AM
I figured I would break radio silence and report my progress as I keep getting these annoying messages but I can't be bothered to decode them. Must not be important....

I played SH4 for years on and off so I figured I had a somewhat decent knowledge when it comes to the silent service but the Baltic and now the Atlantic have proven to be unique beasts. Also I have to admit that even though I miss my Gato class commanding a Type VII U-Boat is something else. With WoS installed I set out into the cold waters of the Baltic.

I chose a course that would hopefully keep me away from most of the Polish Navy as I noticed the old Emden or at least what appeared to be her and some destroyers patrolling along my route. On my first night in the patrol area I got aggressive and headed towards the Polish waters while recharging my batteries only to run into two Polish destroyers off my starboard. After crash diving and some tense minutes they began depth charging but I had managed to unknowningly to avoid most of their charges as I maneuvered away at the start and I survived the first three. Long story short after a few hours of cat and mouse, running low on everything except fuel of course, I exited the patrol area to recharge once more and headed back in albeit more careful this time.

I dodged a further attempt of the persistent DDs of hunting me down and snuck inside the harbor itself. I sunk two merchants and exited quickly as the water was shallow and I was running out of night time. On the way out I intercepted a third merchant and used a surface attack to slow her down before finishing her off with a fish to the midsection. The rest of the patrol was uneventful but after transferring to the Atlantic and patrolling the coastal waters off of England I've racked up eight tallies and a tonnage of over 20k career wise. So far everything is good but I might as well enjoy the good times while they last. I'm headed back to port so I can refit before continuing my hunt.

Happy Hunting, U-4387

09-25-17, 03:48 AM
A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community >Kookzerg

If you are not going to decode your Enigma messages it would be better to disable the mod.
Your patrol area orders are contained within these messages.

Refitting is not recommended after long patrol times due to the build up of game data not being cleared.
Refitting does not repair any damage to your boat.
There is no time penalty when refitting as there is when you dock.

I expect you have noticed how superior the American boats are to the Germans and also the equipment.

09-25-17, 05:32 AM
My opening about the Enigma machine was my attempt at being funny but I've been slowly but surely learning how to decode the messages. It just takes me quite a bit longer than normal. :Kaleun_Salute:

09-25-17, 07:23 AM
Hi K
Here is avery good tutorial.
4: Let's Play Silent Hunter 5, The Wolves Of Steel Modpack Enigma Tutorial September 7th 2016 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It_WcVBRkRg&t=46s)


09-25-17, 12:44 PM