View Full Version : Society and Globalisation

08-31-17, 07:29 AM
Just imagine for a moment that 7 billion people are all trying to get everything they can all at once and then imagine how that would play out for the little people of this world......

I will use the UK as a typical example of what I've been observing these last 30 odd years, and yes before you say it, I've got too much bleeding time on my hands, so before I begin, if anyone wants to share their own thoughts and observations from the last 30 years please do so, I won't criticize what you might have seen and heard and I expect the same from you, thankyou.

A typical person in the year 2017 might live in a 60 year old house and drive a 10 to 20 year old car and they would work in a job where their income is on average about 80 to 90% of what it was 15 years ago, and 1 important point that I should stress is that most people don't know or don't care that they're considered a consumer rather than a citizen by their government.

Since 1979 the different governments over the years have more control over a persons life than any previous government as ever had before it, and with that control comes power, the power to make any one's life a living nightmare, or the power to destroy numerous workers unions and lo and behold they even had the power to sell off our publicly owned utilities such as the elecricity, water, gas and rail networks, all for the benefit of the few and not for the many I might add.

These utilities weren't sold off for the benefit of the country, no, they were flogged off in a series of quick firesales to generate short term financial gain for a government that was hell bent on privatizing everything it could get its hands on. Just a quick check of the current pricing for each service I've just mentioned and you'll see that it didn't do a damned thing for the citizens, and yet, these blinkered corrupt politicians scream out loud that Capitalism is a wonderful thing, yep, it is you plonkers, it's only wonderful if you're in the pockets of these business sharks that you've bleeding created isn't it.

The biggest prize of all is the NHS hospital network which was built and paid for by the taxes of mine and your parents hard work, well done Jeremy Hunt, you'll finally have it dismantled and fully privatised in the next 10 years. What do this government do whenever another major re-organisation is put in place for the NHS, they just bury their heads in the bleeding sand and hope that a major disaster will occur so that the media are distracted from it for long enough for it to be all forgotten about.

The big monopolies and retailers who have squeezed out the small manufacturers and independent businesses have the benefit of a political figure usually sitting on the board of directors watching the backs of these vast companies. My local milk farmer who is virtually on his last legs as a business is a prime example of this fact, this is what globalisation looks like and also what its costing us the consumer, when you next see an announcement that another price hike is on the way you know who you can blame for it, yes Maggie Thatcher you are to blame for it all.

When you hear another juicy feel good sound bite from this government which is sold to the apathetic and ignorant population as progress you'll know that its another lie and the evidence lies all around us. Have you ever wondered why so many people are all so bleeding unhappy, its because the present system is not working for the many, that's why. All I can say is well done world for being led down the path to economic and social slavery by the corrupt political dickheads who stand to gain from your loss.

I could go on and on but its all too depressing to write about the abject misery I've seen on the faces of my fellow citizens, what can be done about it you might ask, not much as its gone too far to stop it, one thing you could try and do is cut off the head of the beast, and for those who don't know where the lair of the beast is, its called London.