View Full Version : When did Los Angeles-class FLT I boats receive anechoic coating?

06-08-17, 11:19 AM
Does anybody know when the boats started to receive this upgrade?
AFAIK, flight II boats got it from the start, and FLT I boats were modified later - but when exactly?

Also, I'd be happy about *any* source (online) about everything US submarines of the cold war era - besides the obvious Wikipedia stuff.
Blogs, Podcasts, I don't care.

06-08-17, 03:02 PM
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Los_Angeles-class_submarines (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Los_Angeles-class_submarines) ALL five remaining FLT I vessels are due to be decommissioned this year or next. The career of the USS Bremerton is most complete and would reflect: April 15, 1985 USS Bremerton entered the dry-dock at PHNSY for a four-month Drydocking Selected Restricted Availability (DSRA). Undocked on July 9; Underway for sea trials from Aug. 3-9; Underway for TRE workups from Aug. 13-23; Underway for Tactical Readiness Evaluation (TRE) from Aug. 28-30. Given my limited understanding: http://www.uscarriers.net/ssn698history.htm (http://www.uscarriers.net/ssn698history.htm) and a lack of similar detailed career for the other four; this would be the only suitable occasion for USS Bremerton' acoustic tile application process. The FLT II's were all launched from 1985-1889 so it must have been available....:D(pardon my college logic 101:()1:) of particular interest is the 'keel date' vs the 'commission date'+- 3 years which gives a lot of leeway on some FLT I boats as well. PS: the stuff is not exactly a 'happy medium' on the new Virginia class boats! http://www.military.com/daily-news/2017/03/06/navy-subs-still-show-issue-stealth-coating.html (http://www.military.com/daily-news/2017/03/06/navy-subs-still-show-issue-stealth-coating.html)