View Full Version : Hydrophone Sounds

05-22-17, 10:57 PM
I was doing a Hydrophone check and heard a strange sound. It was a very faint whistling sound and very very faint music. ( my Gramophone is off ). I set a course to intercept but the sound seems to swing between 270*to 60* from my position.( *=degrees ). No matter it seems distance and elusive. It isn't Dolphins, I've heard them many times. Is this a distant ship ? Anyone experience this ?

05-23-17, 06:09 AM
Mermaids? An acoustic Easter Egg?

05-23-17, 10:50 AM
Well I put SHIII on pause last nite until I got a response. I now have decided to break off my hunt/attack. This sound contact is a very exact 260* at the current moment. It sounds like a female voice or music with a distinct whistle. Never heard of the "Mermaid Easter Egg". Personally I'm not into Easter Eggs, I've worked hard to achieve maximum realism, so I really don't know what it is. Been playing SHIII since 2007 and this was a new one on me. Now it's at 180* and should be ! Thanx Jerry CA45

05-23-17, 11:07 AM
Maybe a ship wreck just sounding weird :D?

05-23-17, 02:21 PM
Well the ONLY logical explanation to me is that it is either a very well educated and talented whale or aliens. I heard the dolphins a lot, but never the whales, or at least ones like that. But anyway there 2days behind me whatever they were.

05-23-17, 02:59 PM
Sound record, or it didn't happen ! :hmmm:

05-23-17, 03:39 PM
Kendras, I really wanted to do that but not sure how and on another note, I was going to look for a "whale" sound file and play it to see if that's it. Busy now but will do that tonight and get back here on what I found out. The odd sound contact is long behind me now.

05-23-17, 04:53 PM
Kendras, I really wanted to do that but not sure how and on another note, I was going to look for a "whale" sound file and play it to see if that's it. Busy now but will do that tonight and get back here on what I found out. The odd sound contact is long behind me now.

Check the sound files (SH3\data\Sound)

05-23-17, 05:58 PM
There's actually a few easter eggs in the Silent Hunter games. One of the more prominent ones is the appearance of the Flying Dutchman in the Caribbean Sea in SH IV, the model of which was transferred to SHIII.


The original in IV.


And the Dutchman in SHIII.

My point is, it wouldn't surprise me if it was indeed some sort of mermaid easter egg. That just begs the question...how do they plan to sink a submarine?

05-25-17, 09:15 AM
I have the explanation ! You are getting intoxicated with carbon monoxide, probably coming from the diesel engines ! ...


05-29-17, 05:58 AM
Or it was one of these unidentified sounds : Boing, Carpenter, Woof-Woof, or Echo Fish. :o


06-04-17, 09:23 AM
If you had recorded the position then we could all go out on an odyssey ;) and get seduced by that siren.

06-07-17, 12:20 PM
Hey Pisces and to all, As a matter of fact, I did record my position. Part of my fun with SH III is to keep extensive logs of all my careers and patrols, past and present. Been out'a town with family, so sorry for the delay. I hope you can use the info,

DATE & TIME: 23 January 1942, (first detected) 1730h - 24 January 1942. (broke off search) 0000h.

LOCATION: the SOUTH-WESTERN (lower left) corner of GRID DH57 running south into the NORTH-WESTERN (upper left) corner of GRID DH81

Jerry CA-45