View Full Version : sub names

04-25-17, 10:30 PM
any way for me to add sub named barbell into the game, so I can geta chance to be on that boAt again? I was on barbel -580 on special mission [real life] 1973



04-26-17, 05:37 AM
Have a look at this thread. http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=209546

04-28-17, 10:27 AM
Well "Spook" (I can call you that...OK?)...the link Moonlight provided has the information for you to change the name and hull number of your boat in the game to anything you want. But, it'll still be a WWII "Fleet Boat" on the outside and the inside (or a U-Boat if you're using v1.5).

IIRC, there were 580 type boats in some of the older Cold War era subsims and games like "Harpoon"; perhaps a motivated Modder could alter one to function in SH4. But, I don't know if anyone has done anything like that or built a "model" of a Barbel Class boat for SH4 (or SH3 or SH5 either). You could search for that in the Downloads section here, or use the Search function to look through all of the forums to see if there is anything like that available. Good luck; I hope you find it.:salute:

I did a little Search myself and got two pages of threads that have "Barbel" and/or "580" in the discussion. Several of those talked about making a 3D model for one or another of the Silent Hunter games, or that a model exists in other games/programs. Don't know if anyone ever finished making or modifying a model to work in SH4, but at least there were some who were interested in doing so.