View Full Version : Arrival

04-07-17, 04:39 PM
I just watched this movie on DVD, not knowing in advance what to expect. Actually, it was a very poetic narration, something that linked up both with my thinking and my emotions, in a calm and non-kitschy way.

Difficult to say what it is about without spoilering it. Lets leave it to that it is about how the structure of language forms the structure of our mind and thinking, that so it may influence the way we perceive time.

I since long see the linear time concept we live by, as something - to use poetic words - like the veil of Maya that hides the world from us by forming an illusion that covers true reality, still the illusion appears to be real. But it may be that time is a function of our mind: t=f(m).

I liked this movie for its calmness and gentle flow. Reminded me a bit of a Terrence Malick movie, or the kind of stories that Andrej Tarkowski used to turn into movies. The movie was nominated for 8 oscars - including the big categories - and won one, also was nominated as best movie for the Golden Lion at the film festival in Venice. It won around three dozen more awards at various other festivals. IMDb scores it with 8.0 of 10.

Do not expect a high tension or action movie. This is calm, and quite poetic. Recommended!

P.S. The trailer raises somewhat misleading expectations, I deleted it again. It leaves out the important part, too.

04-07-17, 04:48 PM
I've been thinking of getting The Arrival but keep hesitating. And like you say, it's because of the trailer. That was weird and turned me off on buying it. We'll see tho on getting it.

I did watch Passengers.. twice. LOL Very good movie that also makes you think of what the future holds for us all.

04-07-17, 05:02 PM
I've been thinking of getting The Arrival but keep hesitating. And like you say, it's because of the trailer. That was weird and turned me off on buying it. We'll see tho on getting it.
If you know Tree of Life by Malick, this movie reminded me of it a bit, though it is not as religiously encrypted, not as metaphysical. Interstellar also was a film Arrival reminded me of a bit, but I like Arrival better, I think, there are some soar edges around the end of Interstellar, in my perception. Soderbergh's Solaris also came to my mind, and Tarkowski's adaptation of Solaris as well, but Tree of Life imo is closer. Contact (the movie, not the novel) also is a comparison possible, though it offers a more spectacular, extroverted plot. Arrival is more inbound, introverted.

It does not compare in any way to Spielberg's Close Encounters, which is such a boring movie imo that I cannot understand why it is so famous and popular. Saw it 5 weeks ago again after many, many years since last time, and still do not like it.

And the title "Arrival" is so wonderfully choosen. Kind of a gift, almost.

Hope this helps a bit to sort out what to expect and what not.

04-08-17, 01:52 AM
We still have an active movie thread.
Of course, some people's threads are more important than others, so they deserve a first class seat instead of having to share a room with all the other movie reviews... it seems.

04-08-17, 05:26 AM
Oh my poor ego, getting bruised again on thsi cruel day.

Maybe I simply forgot that or am not that sharpeyed after such details that I have a more laid-back attitude on? Hey, even the boss himself - search shows me two threads on Alicia Vikanders new movie and on Humans - did it twice, did you bite him, too? Not to mention the threads on Alien.

Take a breath, take a free day, get a life. And get the thread moved if you want.

P.S. It would help to be more aware of it if it at least would be on page one...

04-08-17, 07:51 AM
Opps, sorry, I thought you were referring to this:

https://img.discogs.com/CXAOYXVVVFPalNjsTtAsTAzUq_8=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc%28%29:format%28jpeg%29:mode_rgb% 28%29:quality%2890%29/discogs-images/R-695274-1189782809.jpeg.jpg

04-08-17, 08:06 AM
yea, as a huge star trek /sci-fi fan I really liked arrival's premise. Sadly, way too many scenes are boiled/dumped down in hollywood's usual way so that those poor overweight americans won't have to break their fragile heads while texting or feeding on buckets of nacho cheese.. As long as you're willing to filter 'the stupid' out of it it's actually quite interesting and worth a rent but not a buy..

04-08-17, 12:10 PM
get a life.
Kinda rich coming from you, actually.

Nothing I said is wrong, just inconvenient.
You're absolutely aware we have *this* one thread for movies and it isn't the first time either you post stuff "extra" instead of where it belongs.
And yes, I am absolutely convinced it is an ego thing - but you put that shoe on yourself, sorry.

BTW, If I'd see Neal or whoever doing the same, I'd say the same (minus the ego-implications, since they don't apply there).
I'm not exactly known to be "afraid" of the 'people in power' here, am I?

04-09-17, 06:22 AM
Get a big bucket of these and start sorting them by colour, I think you will feel relaxation and relief once you see the accomplishment of having finished it.







04-09-17, 07:44 AM
Enough already guys, I think you've both adequately vented and stated your opinions.


04-09-17, 07:45 AM
You can assume the victim role as much as you want, doesn't change the fact you ignored, Err 'forgot' about this incredibly hard to find movie thread...

04-09-17, 10:43 AM
Don't forget to attach numbers on each one and catalogue every single item. That serves your better sleep at night.

04-10-17, 05:32 AM
Edit: Meh, screw it. Pointless endeavour is pointless.