View Full Version : Der Biskayakreuz

08-13-16, 02:31 AM
Amazing what a couple of sticks could do.

Confounded by the RAFs ability to hit U-boats as they crossed the Bay of Biscay headed out to the Atlantic from their French ports, with British aircraft using the highly successful Leigh Light, [ named for RAF Wing Commander H. de Verde Leigh ] a high-beam torch which fixed U-boats for low-level air attack, the Kriegsmarine countered with a contraption representing a ''wooden cross'', which was placed at the conn of Atlantic U-boats and was able to pick up RAF radar sweeps allowing submarines to submerge before being caught.
Officially, it was known as FuMB-1 METOX. To the men of the Kriegsmarine who were thankful for as long as this small and brief victory in the endless technological war between they and the Allies endured, it was the ''Biscay Cross''. A true lifesaver , for a time, as it allowed them to dive before being struck by an incoming Liberator.