View Full Version : No home base

05-20-16, 04:39 AM
I am having trouble finding my home port. But first a little background info. It is December 23 1941 and I have just come back to Manila (where I started) after a few altercations with the japanese. The problem is that I can neither refit or end the patrol there. During the patrol I did get a message about changing the base of operations to Surabaya but the tilted anchor has not appeared there yet. It was at Manila but now it isnt there either. The tilted anchor isnt anywhere actually so I checked the save game files and all indications are that Manila is home port or at least it was. I am confused as what to do. Do I just wait this out or has something gone wrong?

I am running RFB with the RSRD campaign plus improved ship physics.

05-20-16, 04:58 AM
Hi Barkerov
If you received a radio message telling you that your base from Manila to Surabaya then it could be that it will take time for the new base to become active.
Looking at it logically everything in Manila needs to be moved by sea to Surabaya before it can become active.

05-20-16, 06:46 PM
It is odd, maybe I can check the rsrdc files later tonight. IRL, the Asiatic Fleet had 3 sub tenders at Cavite in Manila Bay when war broke out. 2 of them were hastily evacuated and well on their way to Balikpapan when big Jap air raid came on Dec 10; the other tender was moved to Mariveles and there continued to service boats until it was scuttled at the fall of Bataan in March. The shore installations at Cavite continued operations until Christmas Day '41. By that time, most of the fleet had re-based to Surabaya, although the sub tenders continued on to Darwin for January and Tjilatjap for February before retiring to Fremantle by March 1.

So you should make for Surabaya if Manila is no longer an option. I hope to be able to release my Atolls & Allies mod soon, which will (among other things) make the bases and tenders more realistic.

05-20-16, 07:20 PM
Hope you get the Mios Woebi forward "base" sorted out correctly !


05-20-16, 07:42 PM
Hope you get the Mios Woebi forward "base" sorted out correctly !

Per my research, the first sub tender came to MW in late August '44, and were gone by February. I don't have on the top of my head when the PT base became operational, but it's not entirely reasonable for subs to be able to refit at a surface forces base. I intend to open bases for refit when the sub tenders arrive, and keep them open after the tenders leave if shore installations are present/developed and the base was not abandoned. Thus MW will be available for the last 12 months of the war. However, by then, you're probably better off operating from Guam, Saipan, or Subic Bay (where the last MW tender went).

05-20-16, 09:33 PM
Head toward Surabaya. If you have to, shut off the engines and wait until the map updates the change. Saving, and exiting out of the game may help.

05-20-16, 09:33 PM
Head for Surabaya and try to dock there. Otherwise, try Freemantle.
I've had times when the base change didn't show up on the map.

05-21-16, 04:11 AM
Saving and exiting didnt work. Waiting was they key. Surabaya became the tilty anchor on the 24th. Perhaps more importantly I figured out why it happened. I looked in the flotillas file in one of the upc folders and looked for the dates when bases change. Following the logic of what was coded, on 12-23-1941 manila ceases to be a base but only on 12-24-1941 does Surabaya become the base.
I guess overlap would cause issues for the program so I would imagine that this means whenever a flotilla changes base there will be a 24 hour window during which you cannot end the patrol anywhere.