View Full Version : How to track, approach and attack large convoy

04-16-16, 11:08 AM

I'm trying to get back into SH4 TMO 2.5. I stopped at one point because TMO 2.5 seemed too difficult for me. So here I am again.

It's 10/44 and I have sonar but can't remember which ship I have. It's got 4 forward torpedoes and two aft. Full complement of fuel and ammo.

I've come across a 17 ship convoy that appears to be defended by 7 destroyers deployed around the perimeter.

OneDriveSux (https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=AA6B18C1576A5E17!9534&authkey=!AKNNoqTLJG-pbLo&v=3&ithint=photo%2cpng)

So I have a few questions;

1. Does anyone really go after these types of convoys? It seems rather perilous to me.

2. Since this isn't a "typical" straight line convoy I would assume the tactics would be quite different when moving in for a kill. Are there some decent threads here that might lend a hand? (Haven't searched yet so sorry if I get on anyone's nerve about that point)

3. What's the challenge here? I'm curious to know what other commanders would do in a situation like this. What would you try and why? (I know, a big "What the universe all about" type question)

I appreciate anyone that takes time to answer.



04-16-16, 05:26 PM
Assuming I have radar, one of the tactics I have had success with when dealing with a formidable amount of escorts is to try and stay ahead of the convoy and wait for heavy rain or fog. Anything that will significantly reduce visibility on the surface. Once one of the former arrives two options present themselves.

1. Sit surfaced a decent distance from one edge of the convoy (at least 700 yards between you and the closest destroyer in my experience) and wait for the convoy to catch up. Compute a firing solution for as many ships as you want within range, and fire using radar while on the surface. Since you are surfaced, they can't detect you via hydrophone, and since visibility is poor, you can make a clean getaway on the surface. Even if you are forced to submerge for whatever reason, a storm will make conditions for sonar poor, meaning the destroyers will have some trouble targeting you.
2. For the more daring, if you can see a gap in the escort screen via radar, you can try to go through it and go for some really close range shots to improve your probability of hitting. The tough part is getting back OUT of the circle-of-death that is closing in on you.

Seeing as it's 1944, the escorts probably have some kind of radar detection equipment, so you'll need to be cautious with your radar usage.

04-16-16, 07:31 PM
Get directly in front of the convoy and adjust your heading to parallel to the convoy. Go deep and silent. After the screen passes you, go to periscope depth. You should come up in middle of the convoy. Make your attack out of all tubes. Try for three merchants. Dive deep and quick and listen for explosions. Secure from silent running and reload. Go silent again. Try to keep track of those ships you hit. Be patient, repeat as needed. An alternative is attack one merchant out the bow and another out the stern.