View Full Version : Sh5 current state (TWOS,OHII,etc) vs Sh3 (GWX,NYGMetc)

02-11-16, 03:04 PM
How would you compare the two in terms of quality, gameplay?

02-16-16, 03:21 PM
:hmmm:I am guessing that you have played both? While there are many within the hallowed halls of Subsim that can provide a more technically accurate collation, I will give you my 2 coppers. I have in the past few weeks wondered the same thing myself.

To me SH 3 w/ GWX sits on the shelf as the pinnacle of the SH games. I had no problems playing it and it runs fine on WIN 10. However from visual stand point it does not hold up well (for me) at my current favored resolution of 1440P.

I bought SH5 on release and quickly shelved it for the issues it had. I continued to play SH3 happily.

I recently came back to SH5 for the TWoS megamod. I also run Dragons addon. I can easily recommend TWoS for what my opinion is worth. I run it at what I consider high resolution with a slightly better than mainstream grade PC on WIN 10.

There is a metric ton of solid info in these forums to get modded SH5 running without CTD or other fiddleyness.

So for me SH5's visual improvements coupled with superb modding make it my choice.

02-16-16, 05:57 PM
I currently play LSH3-2015 and TWOS and can recommend both of these.
GWX does look more dated than LSH3-2015.

The Dragons add on incidentally was only for TWOS v1.2


02-17-16, 03:00 PM
How would you compare the two in terms of quality, gameplay?

tbh is really hard to answer to this question if u ask sh3 players they will say GWX if u ask sh5 players they will say TWoS now i can tell my opinion about both mega mods

GWX is a really great mod is sad the gray wolves group disbanded and there is no more GWX the game play with gwx was really good and also i think is the mos used mega mod and work also on older computer too downside of gwx is incorrect AI and no real navigation like in tdw's one

now about TWoS is a really great mod for sh5 u can play it hardcore or normal play stile has a really great documentation thread and FAQ section which one really help allot if players READ does sections.... the downside of this mega mod is that doesn't work on older computers and don't have a gwx installation setup but that doesn't mean that vdr1981 didn't made a great job with this mega mod.....
vdr1981 has made and do a really great job to keep it updated this mega mod

this is only my opinion each player can have they own opinion about each mega mod both of them are really good one