View Full Version : Today is World Day The Beatles

01-16-16, 01:46 AM
As a shipboy I loved this song, along others


01-16-16, 04:01 AM
I never heard that before... that was nice :)

01-16-16, 06:48 AM
From the album Beatles For Sale, the most popular track probably being Eight Days A Week.

Commander Wallace
01-16-16, 12:13 PM
I remember watching a show on TV that was a tribute to the Beatles. This was one of the songs listed as a favorite.

The Beatles did so many great songs it's hard to pick a favorite.

01-16-16, 04:15 PM
It really is rather akin to asking a parent to pick a favorite child, particularly if you happened to have grown up when the whole Beatles phenomenon was unfolding. You hear the cliche "the soundtrack of our lives" but the Beatles music really was a reflection of a rapidly changing time and it was quite without pretension. The Beatles, like Dylan, became the templates for all the "socially relevant" artists that followed; at the time they came up, save for the sort of roots folkie types, there was no rock and roll archetype for them to follow. Hence, their music really was more of an organic, non-studied expression of the world around them...

As far as favorites go, Lennon, I feel, has been much underrated as a ballad composer and singer since that mantle pretty much fell to Paul. Yet, not withstanding songs like "Yesterday", "Eleanor Rigby" and others, John had some of the best ballads of the two composers. There is a radio show in Los Angeles on Sunday mornings playing three hours of Beatles and Beatles-related music each weekend and about once a month, they do a live broadcast and one song is always the most requested. It is also one of my favorites, if not the most favorite:



Commander Wallace
01-16-16, 08:43 PM
It really is rather akin to asking a parent to pick a favorite child, particularly if you happened to have grown up when the whole Beatles phenomenon was unfolding. You hear the cliche "the soundtrack of our lives" but the Beatles music really was a reflection of a rapidly changing time and it was quite without pretension. The Beatles, like Dylan, became the templates for all the "socially relevant" artists that followed; at the time they came up, save for the sort of roots folkie types, there was no rock and roll archetype for them to follow. Hence, their music really was more of an organic, non-studied expression of the world around them...

As far as favorites go, Lennon, I feel, has been much underrated as a ballad composer and singer since that mantle pretty much fell to Paul. Yet, not withstanding songs like "Yesterday", "Eleanor Rigby" and others, John had some of the best ballads of the two composers. There is a radio show in Los Angeles on Sunday mornings playing three hours of Beatles and Beatles-related music each weekend and about once a month, they do a live broadcast and one song is always the most requested. It is also one of my favorites, if not the most favorite:



:agree:Well Said. I forgot to add on my earlier post in this thread that a number of musicians were the ones asked to perform their favorite Beatles song, not just list them.

John Lennon did a great Job on " My life " . Most people when asked about John Lennon always mention his song, " Imagine " as one of their favorites in addition to the one you mentioned.


Sailor Steve
01-16-16, 10:29 PM
I was thirteen when the Beatles released their first album, fourteen when they came to America, and fifteen when their second movie, Help!, was released. The first song I ever figured out for myself on guitar was Lennon's 'You've Got To Hide Your Love Away' (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8kujm_the-beatles-you-ve-got-to-hide-your_music). Of course I figured it out wrong and someone had to show me the right way.

My favorite McCartney song will always be 'I've Just Seen A Face' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBKguCMKjCA)

Harrison? 'If I Needed Someone (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2pzncn_the-beatles-if-i-needed-someone_music)'.

They all wrote better songs, but these are personal favorites.

01-17-16, 06:52 PM
"If I Needed Someone" was. essentially a tribute to The Byrds by George Harrison who was deeply impressed by their songs; conversely, The Byrds had been very influenced by The Beatles, leading Roger McGuinn to take up the 12-string Rickenbacker as his main instrument in emulation of George. Harrison sent a tape copy of the song to The Byrds before it was ever released by The Beatles:


The academic analysis of the song in the Wikipedia entry reminds me of a book published at the height of the Beatles career titled "Twilight of The Gods: The Music of The Beatles". It was a very dry, very academic, very ponderous analysis of the Beatles' songs and their structure; it was somewhat odd since none of the Beatles could neither read nor write musical notation and. to this day, can't...

I'm basically right behind you on the timeline, given I'm just a few months younger than you. I also got a guitar after watching the Beatles; I mean, think about it: a young guy watching TV, seeing a bunch of rather ordinary looking guys having fun and with swarms of teenage girls falling all over them. Sure got my attention. When I got my first guitar, I couldn't also afford lessons or the tutorial books available at the time (although, given they were written to mainly teach classical or jazz style, it was no great loss). I tried to tune it the way I thought it might be tuned; my musical education was vocal music in Catholic school and I was more familiar with hymns and Gregorian chants. Therefore, my first attempt at tuning resulted in an open chord, minor key tuning not very well suited to rock and roll. Eventually, I got my hands on one of those guitar pitch pipe tuners and got it all sorted out. Lately, though, I've been dabbling more in open tunings...


01-18-16, 02:53 AM
Although the topic is serious, i will afford little lyrical digression

It is known that the first meeting up with their producer, takes place in The cavern club,Liverpool

Although Ringo Starr turns a little later in the group might have some connection with the name of the club and the film, which starred
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWHPd42239Zxz9o8HeGJHMqJCpXSvOf xThPgCq7pwr_9zCTHfA

And another song