View Full Version : Norway CTD

12-27-15, 06:31 AM
So I was starting out a patrol in my career leaving around the 29th of feb 1940. Cruising around Norway heading between Bergen and Scapa flow, max TC 256 with the intent to loiter in the very north sea for a month or so and have fun in Narvik, when low and behold my game ctd's. Reload from port (no save) - plot a slightly different course, and again -ctd.

When it died the game was running at 2.5 gig of ram, and there's lots left in my system after that (running the 4gb patch) - so what might cause this> time compression induced overload? simply too many units?

I've run 3 patrols fully stable, nothing new in my modlist....


12-28-15, 05:39 PM
Without a modlist it's just a guessing game. Probably is anyway, since the campaign is too random to know exactly which units you will encounter at any one time.

12-28-15, 07:10 PM
I vaguely recall that happening to me around that time in game. Seems the only solution that works was to run time compression at x1 for a few hours before, through, and after the CTD time in game. I believe I saved the game a hour before the CTD would occur just in case.

01-02-16, 01:12 PM
If you're using high TC it could also be a mine around Norway. Mine deaths have been known to cause CTD at high TC.

01-02-16, 02:16 PM
As you know I was, and I am still in a patrol where I had to come within 10 Km of Narvik harbor area. I got out of there after every save. But....I never ever ran my game over TC=16 while I was that close. I did get nervous about being that close and opened my distance up to 20KM and tried to center myself in the middle of the fjords. I am now fully out of the fjords and on my way home.

TC=256 has always caused me problems with CTD. That is the reason we here in LWF rely on Max TC = 128 being the stable TC in most all cases.


01-03-16, 12:07 AM
Yeah, I nailed it down to time compression + high traffic. I was nowhere near the coast (thus not a mine). Reloading an earlier save and running through at lower TC solved it.

Cheers all!

01-03-16, 04:47 PM
Glad you've solved it :salute: