View Full Version : Change mouse sensetivity in SH5? It's way too high.

12-02-15, 10:08 AM
I have problems with mouse sensitivity, is way too high.

The most minimal movement I can do with the mouse generates a several millimeters long movement in attack periscope.(on my screen) So it's very difficult to place lines correctly when for example calculating ship height or aiming carefully with deck cannon.
Also when using binoculars, you just fly away if you move a little too fast.

I have not found any way to edit mouse sensitivity, I tried to change windows mouse sensitivity but it did not seem to change in-game sense.

What to do? :wah:

12-02-15, 01:25 PM
IF you hold down the Ctrl key it will slow it to a crawl.....if you hit the Shift key it will take off at the speed of light. :up: