View Full Version : I pray for my Mom

10-31-15, 12:48 PM
During the afternoon my sister phoned me to me and told me that our mother is in intensive care. The story how she had come there is a little complicated, at least, she was driven there by my little sister and my brother in law. After several tests have been made on her, the doctors have strong suspicion that she has bacterial meningitis.

Talked to my sister about one hour ago and she told me that they suspected that she had bacterial meningitis and that she was unconscious.

When they got this suspicion they started the treatment at once. We don't know for how long she have had this. We(my little sister first) have been told she had a very big headache, but when she got the headache and when it started to get huge no one knows.


10-31-15, 12:50 PM
Prayers for your mom!

10-31-15, 12:57 PM
Will pray for your Mom Markus!

10-31-15, 03:28 PM
Hope she gets better soon Markus.

u crank
10-31-15, 04:17 PM
Sorry to hear this Markus. Hope everything turns out for the best.

10-31-15, 04:26 PM
Talked to my little sister around 8 pm and she said that our Mom was awake and was almost clear in her head and she even had a small talk with her, it wasn't long ´cause she was very tired.

I guess they will keep her for a couples of days to take more test.

Thanks for your concern and your prayer.


10-31-15, 04:37 PM
Your last post is good news Markus. I will continue to pray for your Mom.

Commander Wallace
10-31-15, 06:00 PM
Best wishes for a full recovery.

10-31-15, 06:18 PM
Glad your mom is doing better. Prayers for her recovery.

11-01-15, 03:48 AM
Keep us updated, buddy...

11-01-15, 04:04 AM
Best wishes for your mum getting a full recovery

11-01-15, 06:20 AM
Wishing her a speedy recovery :sunny:

11-01-15, 04:02 PM
Here is the latest. My mom is feeling better, but she seems to have forgotten who, what, where, etc. from the past few days / weeks and probably months. She was transferred to the neurological department where there will be more tests

My little sister said, she seems to have forgotten her Swedish and she live and have lived in sweden since 1976 and was very good at it.


11-01-15, 06:35 PM
I am sorry to hear that Markus, hopefully the memory loss is short term only, I have said a prayer, and wish you and your family all the best.
Are you able to visit her?:hmmm:

11-01-15, 06:53 PM
I am sorry to hear that Markus, hopefully the memory loss is short term only, I have said a prayer, and wish you and your family all the best.
Are you able to visit her?:hmmm:

Not for the moment. My Elder sister and one of my little sister have taken a trip to Sweden to see her. They have planned to take our Mom back to Denmark and let her have a quite recovery or as recovered she are able to get.

She is clear most of the time, but sometimes she gets some kind of blackouts and then she act like it was decades ago, yesterday she said she had to milk the cows. The Doctors think she may have some tempo-something stroke forgot the name. and that's why they couldn't see anything on the CT-scan.

Thanks for the pray.


11-02-15, 07:17 AM
Best wishes and a speedy recovery!

11-02-15, 02:15 PM
I hope your mother is able to get back to the person she was before the illness. Many times the sort of memory loss or time loss is temporary; in some cases, it is brought on by anesthesia or other medications and passes after a time. Keep good thoughts and hope for the best. My thoughts are with you...


11-02-15, 05:55 PM
The doctors had always believed that our mother had got a minor stroke(and so did we), it turns out that she has got a virus, a herpes virus that has set itself on the right part of the brain do not know exactly where. Her short-term memory may have been damaged, they are not sure whether this is random because of this virus or whether the damage is permanently. And her random back flashes is also due to this virus even here they can't say whether its temporary or permanently


11-02-15, 06:14 PM
This waiting/limbo sucks, I pray for a positive result soon!:timeout:

11-02-15, 06:25 PM
This waiting/limbo sucks, I pray for a positive result soon!:timeout:

The worst of all is Virus can't be treated. If it had been some kind of bacteria, then they could have given her a strong doses of antibiotic or penicillin
so we have to wait for her body to fight this infection and pray that these "side steps" was only temporary.


11-03-15, 08:08 AM
A Herpes virus? Do they know which one? It sounds like Zostrex aka Chicken Pox or Shingles.

11-03-15, 12:16 PM
A Herpes virus? Do they know which one? It sounds like Zostrex aka Chicken Pox or Shingles.

I don't know. I heard about it yesterday from my little sister, who said, they have figured out whats wrong with our mom. They made RT-Scan(that's the Danish word, guess its the same in English) and it was there they discovered this virus.

What's going to happen hereafter I can't tell. I do know there's no medicine to cure this, maybe some kind of painkiller to take the headache that comes in between.


11-03-15, 12:36 PM
Such times are times of test and fear. I hope it ends well for you and your family. Keep a strong heart, and good luck.

Mr Quatro
11-03-15, 01:00 PM
Never give up ... like playing a game sometimes you just get so caught up in it that you don't want to make that click to give up and keep on against all of the odds and win anyways. :up:

Praying and believing go together :yep:

11-03-15, 06:51 PM
We have no plans on giving up and the doctors are not giving up either-They will find out what made her turn into a person who have suddenly forgot her Swedish, her lost of the short-term memory and getting these back-flashes

Day before yesterday they made a RT-Scan on our mother and discovered a Virus, the doctors said it was a Herpes virus, to get a confirmation they looked at some of the test they toke the first day she was at the Hospital-Negative-It wasn't Herpes after all. Hope they will find what kind of virus it is.

But she's feeling a lot better today than yesterday, her headeach is gone.


u crank
11-03-15, 07:00 PM
Still thinking about your Mom and your family Markus. Stay strong and positive. We're all hoping for the best.

11-04-15, 08:42 AM
Great to learn she is showing some signs of improvement :sunny:

11-04-15, 07:14 PM
This will be my last posting in this thread(she's almost back to normal again)

Had a talk with my mom yesterday(its over midnight here) well two times and we talked about 15-20 minutes each time.

She will leave the hospital tomorrow(today) and on Saturday she will follow with my little sister and elder sister to Denmark. It is for her to get a month of peace and not have to think about daily activities

I asked her what had happened.

She told me she woke up in the night between Friday and Saturday with an extreme headache in the right side of her head. She toke some painkiller but they didn't help, so after trying to get some more sleep, which she couldn't, she got up and and went into the kitchen. She want to make some coffee, went a extreme pain hit her in her right side of her head and from there she can almost not remember anything.

Was told she had tried to enter the neighbor apartment and her friend who live on another floor called my other little sister and she and my brother-in-law came directly. She (my Little sister) called the ambulance while they were heading to wards my mothers home. When they came, the paramedics said-She can walk, its not necessary for us to take her with us, you have to take her to the hospital by your self.


Edit Oh I forgot something

Thanks a lot for all your prayers I think yours and ours prayers in combination with the skill of the doctors have made her return to almost normal again.

u crank
11-04-15, 07:35 PM
This is great news Markus. So happy for you.

11-04-15, 07:40 PM
Excellent news Markus, did they actually find out what it was and what caused it? I would have guessed a mild stroke, but very happy she is ok now!:yeah:

11-04-15, 07:51 PM
Excellent news Markus, did they actually find out what it was and what caused it? I would have guessed a mild stroke, but very happy she is ok now!:yeah:

That was their first thought, that's why they did a CT-Scan on her already when they toke her in. But nothing there. The test they toke in her back(don't know the English name for it) showed that there was something wrong. They know now she have got some kind of a virus, but they haven't figured out what it is.


11-05-15, 10:31 AM
Positive result is the most important :sunny:

11-05-15, 10:38 AM
Hello Markus,
While i was not "here" when you posted the first time about your mom, i am glad to hear there is some progress!
I wish your mom all the best, hope they find out what kind of virus it exactly is. :)