View Full Version : MRHS NIght of NIghts XVI (2015)

07-08-15, 05:55 AM
Just a reminder that the Maritime Radio Historical Society will be holding its annual Night of Night event at 0001 UTC/GMT/Zulu on 13 July 2015.

Night of Nights is an annual event held on the 12th of July by the Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS) to commemorate the history of maritime radio and the closing of commercial Morse operations in the USA. These on-the-air events are intended to honor the men and women who followed the radiotelegraph trade on ships and at coast stations around the world and made it one of honor and skill.
Once, the maritime mobile bands were populated edge to edge with powerful coast stations operating from virtually every country on every continent. Once, the ships of world trade and the great passenger liners filled the air with their radiograms--and with their calls for help when in danger on the sea. Now those bands are largely silent.
Commemorative Messages

Was your father, uncle or grand dad a commercial op or amateur operator? Would you like to send a commemorative message in their honor over KPH, KFS and KSM? We have sent several of these messages in past events and they were all very moving. If you would like us to send such a message this year please send it to us no later than Wednesday 9 July pdt so we can be sure to include it. Sent it to info@radiomarine.orgHear about Night of Nights on KWMR
Community radio station in Point Reyes Station will broadcast a special presentation about Night of Nights on the Epicenter program at 5:00pm Pacific time 8 July (0000 UTC/GMT/Zulu 9 July). Listen directly to KWMR on 90.5 Point Reyes, 89.9 Bolinas or 92.3 in the San Geronimo Valley. Not in the listening area? No problem. Listen on line via the KWMR Website (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001I37ALI-K1ZhsSt_KPVMo3vrPsrwW7nDE-jdJ3Tot2IB_Ul1PUZQIVbqFIfMTDMRfJ-Ko0g0KtmhKfQVG1D9eG15qE8i8GNC-zV3F1mLJEtlTL0saBKUUcnzYF5CSd0B1pXw5fvNHa-mme8VSknwyKdUsqxBN-0Nc&c=&ch=). Just click on Click to Play. Can't listen at that time? Again, no problem. Listen to the KWMR archive (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001I37ALI-K1ZhsSt_KPVMo3vrPsrwW7nDE-jdJ3Tot2IB_Ul1PUZQIVbqFIfMTDMRfIYgMsgwZPWH2QL5tJ1t WATOXXDf_ipwAiWsEi-xxrMtYDU4bU2eAVone5IOtIhFNSLDuXHPvdox3lJAvZ_iGDXnr y1F-SZ7iNGS-5svllfuvViGSYba6xpnNYqVrK1RHMqLI1OyDF3c=&c=&ch=) of the program. Click on the date, 8 July, and the program name, Epicenter.
More information is available in the MRHS Newsletters and the Point Reyes National Seashore site:

MRHS Newsletter No. 50

MRHS Newletter No. 51a

National Park Service Point Reyes National Seashore

Note that there is information on the restoration of radios used on many commercial and military vessels that may also be of interest in the MRHS Newsletters above.

It is not uncommon for both museum ships and operational vessels to participate by contacting the coast stations during the event.