View Full Version : U-Boat add-on not showing up in Uplay library

06-27-15, 06:02 PM
I bought SH4 + the U-Boat Add-on from Green Man Gaming and they game me a couple of keys.

They activate fine in Uplay but only SH4 is in my library, not Uboat missions.

How can I get the add on to, uh, add on?

06-27-15, 07:51 PM
Actually, never mind. I bought the game again from Amazon, this time the gold edition.

I bought this game 4 times trying to get it to run without bugs (Steam, Green Man Gaming game and addon, Amazon Gold Edition, and physical that hasn't arrived yet).

Hopefully the Amazon version will run bug free. It looks like just a copy of the cd.

Sailor Steve
06-27-15, 08:30 PM
Good luck with it. I've had the Gold CD since 2008 and have never had a problem. :sunny: