View Full Version : Whats wrong with the Spec Ops?

12-29-14, 05:38 PM
Hello fellow Comanders,

I got the latest Steam Version of Comand... and some Problems!

In Scenarios when there is Inf involved, like the Spanish landing in Teneriffe, all Units have there 'normal' Start Positions!
Except the Inf, they start in the Pacific! Or, in another scenario, in Egypt!?!

What is wrong?
No mods! Nothing! Fresh install!

Thank you!

12-29-14, 06:29 PM
Comabat! :Kaleun_Salute:

12-30-14, 04:39 AM

If you see a ground unit in the "middle of nowhere", it usually means it is temporarily "parked" there until it is teleported to its actual operating location when a suitable event is triggered.

This was a workaround used because until v1.06 we did not have a "spawn new unit" action in the editor, so the next best thing was to create the units in advance and keep them out of the way until they "join the action".

With the powerful new editor additions in v1.06 this workaround is no longer necessary.


12-30-14, 10:19 AM
Ok, thanks!

12-30-14, 11:03 AM
So if I got the newest Version this Error should not happen?

But I bought my Game on Steam, where can I look for the Version Nr.?
When I try to manually patch to 1.06, the Patcher needs a Serial Nr. but where can i find this?

Sorry, for this! :oops:

12-30-14, 07:15 PM
No, if you have the newest version, the potential to have it not happen is now there. Existing scenarios are unchanged and the teleport option remains, now it's that instead of having to teleport you can use a "Scenedit_addunit" Lua command to insert the unit.

(My newest scenario uses a bunch of those "addunits" to add a differing assortment of Soviet subs to the North Atlantic to go after a NATO convoy). :cool:

12-30-14, 07:46 PM
Thank you!