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06-22-14, 11:13 AM
Hostile takeover by the religious right?


I would ask Governor Jindal one question...
Is that the Christian attitude?:hmmm:
I think the lift cable on the Republican elevator has finally snapped.

06-22-14, 11:53 AM

06-22-14, 11:58 AM
politics is always full of rhetoric. Most of which can safely be ignored.

But when one starts using the terms "hostile" "take-over" and "rebellion" in the context of our government, I start taking notice.. and not in a good way. :nope:

06-22-14, 12:38 PM
A stand has to be taken.
If you allow the evil government to set common standards for English and Maths then the next stage is setting the standard for science.
Heathen Britain with its pinko lefty conservatives has just shown what happens if you allow them that dictatorial power in education.
They have just passed legislation which bans religious scripture being taught as science in science lessons.
Make a stand before it happens in the States:yeah:

06-22-14, 12:45 PM
A stand has to be taken.
If you allow the evil government to set common standards for English and Maths then the next stage is setting the standard for science.
Heathen Britain with its pinko lefty conservatives has just shown what happens if you allow them that dictatorial power in education.
They have just passed legislation which bans religious scripture being taught as science in science lessons.
Make a stand before it happens in the States:yeah:


06-22-14, 01:25 PM
^^ The Borg are taking over Britain?:huh:

06-22-14, 01:51 PM
South Park already did it.


06-22-14, 01:55 PM
Hostile takeover by the religious right?


I would ask Governor Jindal one question...
Is that the Christian attitude?:hmmm:
I think the lift cable on the Republican elevator has finally snapped.

Jesus did whoop ass at the temple with the money changers. I guess he turns the other cheek when it's convenient for him.

And wolferz, the schnapps are over there, help yourself.:up:

06-22-14, 02:28 PM
maybe its time for those nice young men in their clean white suits to come and take Jindal away, he he ha ha. To the funny farm where life is beautiful all day long...

06-22-14, 02:30 PM
Jindal and a lot of other GOP 2016 hopefuls are doing what they always do: playing to the selected audience and their pocketbooks. This is true of all stripes. So-called "Christian" morality has been proven in the past to be more honored in the breach than the observance by politicians and will undoubtedly continue to be so in the future. The moral turpitude seems to be particularly more pronounced in those who most vocally and visibly call for greater "morality". The political and religious far right is strewn with the remains of politicians and evangelists who were caught with hands in the financial cookie jar, with their "Christian" pants down around their ankles, or with their noses firmly entrenched in the trough of political scandal. If Jindal, et. al., thought there was a significant campaign buck or voter block to be gained from devil worship, they'd be speaking at a Satanic Church assembly and touting human sacrifice...


06-22-14, 02:40 PM
He is simply catering to the TP crowd for 2016.

I don't mind his calls for sedition, I just hate religion being jammed into politics, it interferes with actual science and learning as a society.

Look at all the other theocracies, Like your middle eastern countries, they are just a bastion of civility and human rights.

I am beginning to notice a new breed of Christian, and they are hateful, forceful of its tenents on others, and none too Jesus like.
Jesus was a kind man, he never forced the word of god on people or governments, people came to him to listen to him, he did not care if you accepted his words or not, nor did he force you to.

He spoke and let you decide. He preached forgiveness, charity to the poor, kindness to strangers, where is that compassion in todays radical Christians?

I am not bashing the religion, I am bashing a small segment of its so called practitioners.

06-22-14, 02:50 PM
Jesus was a kind man, he never forced the word of god on people or governments, people came to him to listen to him, he did not care if you accepted his words or not, nor did he force you to.

He spoke and let you decide. He preached forgiveness, charity to the poor, kindness to strangers, where is that compassion in todays radical Christians?

QFT, and probably one of your best posts soopaman2. :yep:

To refer back to Gandhi again:


But, like you say, one mustn't tar all Christians (or indeed Muslims or any religious followers) with the same brushes as the morons who ruin it for everyone. :yep:

06-22-14, 02:58 PM
This is an interesting take from about 30 odd years ago:



06-22-14, 04:31 PM

I saw some I, Claudius last night... please get Sejanus away from here... he's mean :(

06-22-14, 05:26 PM
"That which we hate the most we become. "
The Christian conservative right is lending a lot of truth to that idiom these days. Just more and more preaching of a rigid doctrine that will eventually make the ME jihadists look like a bunch of wimpy pussy cats.:hmmm:
Similar to the middle ages, they don't seem to have a problem stomping on the free will of everyone.
I don't think I could stand by and watch as our country is turned into a religious right dictatorship. The lefty liberals had best mind their P's and Q's too. :stare:

06-22-14, 07:53 PM
In the past, many of my FB friends often post about getting God back in our nation, prayer in schools, etc. Once you take them through the argument they're forced to admit they want a govt. enforced Christian theocracy. At this level, many will give in some, at least while debating, then go right back to posting the same memes.

Course it may be the reason I have only about 50 friends.....and out of that group only 5 I get up with..

06-23-14, 08:05 PM
In the past, many of my FB friends often post about getting God back in our nation, prayer in schools, etc. Once you take them through the argument they're forced to admit they want a govt. enforced Christian theocracy. At this level, many will give in some, at least while debating, then go right back to posting the same memes.

Course it may be the reason I have only about 50 friends.....and out of that group only 5 I get up with..

They have a tough row to hoe considering that whole "separation of church and state" clause. Churches hold Sunday school once a week. That's where prayer belongs for those who want to practice faith. Public school should always be focused on a secular curriculum. Not the force feeding of a religious doctrine or ideology. These hypocrite bible thumpers need to step back and reacquaint themselves with the concept of free will. Not this "we'll decide what's best for everybody" attitude they incessantly preach. :roll:
If I'm not mistaken, that's one of the core values of Sharia law.
Do as we say do ...or...

06-23-14, 08:16 PM
I see many complaining how Christians or losing so many rights in America. When you ask them to name one, they pull the same old rogue teacher out that scolded a student over the bible or something, which usually gets the teacher fired or school sued. Yet has one been able to point to any legal or constitutional right being taken away and of course I would be in their support if it did....

06-23-14, 09:17 PM
I see many complaining how Christians or losing so many rights in America. When you ask them to name one, they pull the same old rogue teacher out that scolded a student over the bible or something, which usually gets the teacher fired or school sued. Yet has one been able to point to any legal or constitutional right being taken away and of course I would be in their support if it did....

They can't name any rights they've lost because there are none.
I too am a firm believer in constitutional rights and that all men are created equal. But when one group sets themselves above all others and claims divine domain appointed them to this task, I demand to differ. For example: The reverend William Graham has been sticking his nose into politics for most of his career by counseling newly inaugurated presidents. He has also decreed that " God doesn't approve of mankind's use of mind altering substances"
I guess he failed to see that according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus regularly turned water into wine and imbibed it.:timeout: I guess Jesus didn't get the memo. :-? But Billy did? :roll:

06-24-14, 03:58 AM
"That which we hate the most we become. "
The Christian conservative right is lending a lot of truth to that idiom these days. Just more and more preaching of a rigid doctrine that will eventually make the ME jihadists look like a bunch of wimpy pussy cats.:hmmm:
Similar to the middle ages, they don't seem to have a problem stomping on the free will of everyone.
I don't think I could stand by and watch as our country is turned into a religious right dictatorship. The lefty liberals had best mind their P's and Q's too. :stare:
Extremism in any form is never, ever a good thing. But i have to say, as stupid as extremist liberals are, they couldn't hope to outdo the extremist conservatives in sheer stupidity, hypocrisy, and psychosis.

Far right Conservative christians cry bloody murder about how their right to religious freedom is being trampled, then turn right back around and do things like this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/17/michele-bachmann-huma-abedin-muslim_n_1680083.html

I could make a 3 hour documentary using only the outrageously blatant and pure hatred of muslims that is being spewed from crazies like rush limbaugh and many anchors on fox news. You just cant describe the things they say as anything other than pure hate speech. It's so hypocritical it hurts. They want to talk about freedom and the trampling of rights?!?!?!

These are the same kind of people who are perfectly willing to sentence a 19 year old kid in texas to LIFE IN PRISON for pot brownies. AND THEY WANT TO TALK ABOUT FREEDOM!?!?! It literally is just so disgusting the delusion these people are under. I genuinely fear the far right nutjobs. May their god forbid them from holding significant power over this country.

06-24-14, 07:46 PM
We all know Ms. Bachman is out there on her own little limb.
Political winds tend to snap those limbs off when least expected.:huh:

Just another paranoid narcissist from the look of it.

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere and applying all the wrong remedies." ~Groucho Marx