View Full Version : Adjustable desk that senses when you have been sitting for too long

Mr Quatro
05-28-14, 10:15 AM
This is my kind of desk:http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/this-could-be-big-abc-news/working-desk-burns-calories-175357967.html (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/this-could-be-big-abc-news/working-desk-burns-calories-175357967.html)

According to a study by the American Cancer Society, we face a serious health risk by sitting at our desk for most of the part of the day. They tracked 123,000 American men who sat for more than 6 hours a day and found that they face a 20% higher death rate than men that sit for 3 hours or less.

The difference among women was worse up to 40%.

This desk is a height adjustable desk ... standing while working burns more calories and allows you more freedom than having to get up and do something. This desk has a touch screen and will sense when you have been sitting for too long and automatically raise up with a tap on the screen.

05-28-14, 10:20 AM
I just use a standing desk :hmmm:

Kind of interesting actually, I used to mostly stand but rearranged my room about a year ago and got back to sitting for a while. A few months later, I got hit by a ton of new health problems :nope:
Got back to standing soon after and am doing better :yep: Not really related to the health issues, but I certainly do feel like I have lots more energy. The first 2 weeks or so of using a standing desk again were brutal on my legs, and then it became natural again. Now I can hardly get myself to sit down anymore, even when people want me to. :D

05-28-14, 11:02 AM
I could use one. I sat 8 plus every day.

Mr Quatro
05-29-14, 10:33 AM
I just use a standing desk :hmmm:

Kind of interesting actually, I used to mostly stand but rearranged my room about a year ago and got back to sitting for a while. A few months later, I got hit by a ton of new health problems :nope:
Got back to standing soon after and am doing better :yep: Not really related to the health issues, but I certainly do feel like I have lots more energy. The first 2 weeks or so of using a standing desk again were brutal on my legs, and then it became natural again. Now I can hardly get myself to sit down anymore, even when people want me to. :D

I thought you were a young person, but your testimony sounds like you are on the right track.

I use to be a janitor and the job was kind of light, plus they only needed me every other day, but the one bad side was that I had to stand up all day and keep my butt moving.

After three weeks of this all of a sudden I found that I could hardly spread the cheeks of my butt when I went to the bathroom lol

In other words it had tightened me up considerably.

I can't afford the $3,800 this desk cost, but I can get a drafting table with a wireless mouse and keyboard and raise it up and down as needed.

Plus I'm thinking of a gimbaled bar stool seat to perch on.

05-30-14, 11:22 AM
In addition to the perils of sitting too long whether behind the wheel of a semi or patrol car, or at an appraisal computer for years, "sedentary disease" is a leading Killer and it ain't good for your posture either. In addition to 10,000 step a day walks, this type of chair realigns the spine and is generally better for me: I share...the saddle chair::03: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Satulatuoli.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Satulatuoli.jpg)

05-30-14, 11:26 AM
@CCIP: I never thought of a standing table. I got bad legs due to an illness, might try that one out. (basically, I got no muscles in my legs)

Many thanks!

Mr Quatro
05-30-14, 12:23 PM
Which way do you sit on that thing man ... ?

What if you have thunder thighs? You could sit on it side ways then, uh?


05-30-14, 06:57 PM
Depends if ya got yer spurs on pa'dner!:har: I belive the expression "hell bent for leather" was invented on one of these and like my ol MacClellan civil war re-enactor saddle it'll save what's left of your prostate for bike ride seats!:haha: Another version :http://www.salli.com/Tiedostot/posti245.jpg

06-01-14, 04:37 AM
I thought you were a young person, but your testimony sounds like you are on the right track.

I'm still defintiely a young one. Just ran into some health issues this year, no big deal. I think it's never too early to worry about health and energy levels though, and I really do notice that sitting drains that.

And yeah, something like a stool is a nice compromise too! I'm actually thinking of getting one, maybe setting it up so I could eat at a high bar-style table too.

One downside to standing in my case is being around people - I'm 6'4" and especially at the office, if I stand around all the time I end up accidentally intimidating people by towering over them :doh:

06-01-14, 04:52 AM
I'm 6'4" and especially at the office, if I stand around all the time I end up accidentally intimidating people by towering over them :doh:
Nah! Depends on the situation. “Giraffe walks into a bar, says, ‘The highballs are on me.’ :D:O:

06-01-14, 05:08 AM
Nah! Depends on the situation. “Giraffe walks into a bar, says, ‘The highballs are on me.’ :D:O:

Now that is true :haha: And sometimes being able to intimidate people is a great thing :ping:

But when I'm working with already-terrified students or trying to avoid getting noticed by the boss, it's not always a great thing :know: