View Full Version : U-Boat spawn point.

01-23-14, 10:20 PM
Some of you may know about that alt history mod I have been working on. I figured many things out through SH3 mission editor. I have made quite a bit of progress on turning cities german and adding more surface ship sorties. But I sort of hit a brick wall and need some advice. How could I move the 23 flotilla to lets say Murmansk? I'm not sure If this can be done in the mission editer or if there is a different method. But the most important question is how to place your uboat spawn point in said port? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

01-27-14, 02:20 AM
I was trying to sort out a known bug where my flotilla is based in 2 places at once last night. I believe the file u will need to edit is flotilla.cfg in the cfg folder. For the spawn point you will need the gps co-ordinates for the position. There are a few posts where you can calculate this accurately or use google earth. Enter them as the departure point.