View Full Version : Weather intervals?

11-10-13, 07:38 PM
Anyone know which files in TMO controls weather? what I need to adjust? The weather changes way too often. Quite annoying as it hampers gameplay. I don't mind foul weather but it changes in a very unrealistic manner, used to tolerate it but just annoyed now.Any helped is appreciated.

11-10-13, 08:36 PM
Trigger Maru has incorporated the core aspects of “Environmental mod version 5.0”, some elements of
the “Real Environments mod.”, and some of it's own tweaks to come up with a someone unique
environment. This have been done to ensure that other core aspects of TMO work properly.
Installing another Environmental mod over TMO is not recommended

I would recommended trying to message or find threads from Ducimus (http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/member.php?u=219224) to find out what files to look at.

11-10-13, 08:48 PM
x:\Program Files\silent hunter\Data\Shaders

I would check this folder there are a lot of environmental files in there.

You can download the other environmental mods and see what folders they are offering that have added of changed data to find out where files are in the game installation.

11-10-13, 11:32 PM
I haven't opened the files in months and can't right now, but in the scene.dat. It' one of the wind headings. Trav mad a mod to do this, so you might want to compare his scene dat and look at the change....

11-11-13, 09:46 AM
there was a post/thread by the late Leo Vampire on how to make weather change faster, TMO 2.5 incorporated his work.

search for Leo Vampire and weather and you should find what you seek to roll it back to stock.

11-12-13, 09:49 AM
Here is Leo's original post.
