View Full Version : BRAVO New Jersey...

11-06-13, 08:50 PM
Voters approved a measure raising the Minimum Wage and having it adjusted for inflation.This is an issue where many of my fellow conservatives are just wrong and feel it's definitely(along with abortion opposition) an issue that hurts our movement.I know the old argument about it makes costs rise, hurts business etc but that is just an excuse to not have to pay out more money.

I try to explain that in the real world, not everyone gets a high paying job, but should still be able to make a living wage so they don't have to depend on welfare etc and struggle constantly.Want to shrink the welfare state to bare minumum? Make sure that those stuck in these jobs for whatever reason can live without needing government benefits. Sure, back in the day as I tried to tell my father, these were jobs for teenagers and semi retired but in the modern world, with more workers than jobs, especially in this economy, many are forced to take service jobs etc that pay little, is it right or moral anyone should have to work for what is tantamount to slave wages? Absolutely not. Much like waiters, who are forced to work for less than minimum wage and depend on tips? That is a ridiculous loophole, their two something an hour pays taxes, that is it.Servers etc should make that as a base plus their tips. Like it or not, America needs to grow up on labor laws, many are outdated and not in line with modern reality so once again, BRAVO New Jersey.

11-06-13, 08:57 PM
That's...strangely...progressive of you...

11-06-13, 08:58 PM
That's...strangely...progressive of you...

lol it's one of the few issues "progressives" get right.Like I said, it does a real disservice(along with being just wrong and contradicting their ideology for liberty) to the conservative movement to oppose things like a reasonable living wage and choice(take out the religious whackos and real conservatives are for choice, individual liberties and all) , I get hammered from fellow conservatives about this often but the love for business is rooted deep in conservative thinking, which is okay to a point.Really, it is the only way to truly shrink the welfare state and make environment optimal for economic liberty, along with other things such as repealing the 16th amendment etc. A combination of getting the government off backs and out of the pockets of the average person, making sure the private sector provides within reason is the solution. Really, conservatives would be almost unstoppable if, as a movement, we embraced these things that well within out principles.

11-06-13, 10:25 PM
People may feel good, and it may be popular, but it will still lead to higher unemployment and a deteriorating economy.

Here in Illinois, the state has completely embraced that philosophy, and has a shrinking economy as a result. Some may get a pay raise. Others will lose their jobs, or find getting one in the first place is more difficult.

11-06-13, 11:00 PM
People may feel good, and it may be popular, but it will still lead to higher unemployment and a deteriorating economy.

Here in Illinois, the state has completely embraced that philosophy, and has a shrinking economy as a result. Some may get a pay raise. Others will lose their jobs, or find getting one in the first place is more difficult.

I am not familiar with IL that much other than googling some brief info(other than it's a Democratic state and is in the condition most blue states are like CA etc) but I doubt one could honestly assign IL's economic woes to $8.25 an hour.That is $330 a week before taxes if(which between state and federal taxes, sure tax burden is quite hefty)if work 8 hours a day and typical 5 days per week.Between the high cost of living, taxes etc, just not much even with the raise.

Until we take the tax burden off, in addition to private sector paying a living wage for jobs it currently does not, then welfare state, the even expanding, intrusive, wealth consuming thing we conservatives despise, will continue to grow.