View Full Version : Star Trek Online...

11-03-13, 06:33 PM
Well, I finally gave it a try and was hoping the reviews were just harsh and I would enjoy it, but they were pretty accurate, the game is crap once the novelty of it fades away.First, too much battle, setting the game in a war time period was a mistake.Then the currency being a major part of game play, espcially to get better ships etc, is just unfaithful to what star trek is all about.Probably the part that annoys me the most is you can't go where you want from the start, can't explore on your own.Then it won't let you fire weapons at will etc. No collision models etc This is what happens when people who are not true fans of Trek get to create a game.:/\\!!

11-03-13, 06:45 PM
This is what happens when people who are not true fans of Trek get to create a game.:/\\!!No. This is what happens when people are told make game which sells and produces money. Exploration, diplomacy et al. are fun but does it appeal to those who are not hard core Trek fans?

After all those companies (originally Atari, now Perfect World) are in business to make money. If product doesn't sell they have to close doors. That is what sets how faitful or unfaitful to existing canon they are and how much they rewrite to fit into money making model.

11-03-13, 07:49 PM
No. This is what happens when people are told make game which sells and produces money. Exploration, diplomacy et al. are fun but does it appeal to those who are not hard core Trek fans?

After all those companies (originally Atari, now Perfect World) are in business to make money. If product doesn't sell they have to close doors. That is what sets how faitful or unfaitful to existing canon they are and how much they rewrite to fit into money making model.

I find that to be a cop out used as an excuse when companies put out a crappy product. Star Trek is still popular, a real quality game would sell, I assure you. Okay, even if they stuck with the combat aspect, they could have made it way better and included exploration, diplomacy etc, they just put a crap product out.

11-04-13, 01:24 AM
There is a thread called General Games Discussion kind of where this belongs not in general topics.


11-04-13, 06:58 AM
It has its moments, but yeah, it's an MMO with Star Trek trimmings rather than a Star Trek MMO.

11-05-13, 12:50 PM
How much of an EVE online rip off is this, I heard things from biased sources, and would rather ask someone who played and not read about it,.

The report I got was not good.

Me and my cousin are both Star Trek Nerds, he sampled the game, and deemed it crap.

Dammit! This has none of the cleverness of the Star Trek series, just fan service.

What made Star Trek great was the crews interactions, Bones and Spock constantly taking jabs at each other, Kirks arrogance and genuine concern for his crew. I could go on, I am kinda a trekkie. But not a dress up comicon idjit. :woot:
The game as I heard was garbage, and not in the spirit of the franchise, outside of ship models and races.