View Full Version : Germany 'third' gender becomes law

11-01-13, 07:28 AM
Well, it had to happen somewhere first but I'd never have guessed Germany....and no, I'm not saying what country I had in mind :)

Germany has become Europe's first country to allow babies with characteristics of both sexes to be registered as neither male nor female.
Parents are now allowed to leave the gender blank on birth certificates, in effect creating a new category of "indeterminate sex".
The move is aimed at removing pressure on parents to make quick decisions on sex assignment surgery for newborns.
As many as one in 2,000 people have characteristics of both sexes.


11-01-13, 07:46 AM
Sounds like a reasonable solution.

11-01-13, 08:10 AM
There is a side-story to this, which is more vital.

In Berlin, the first toilets with three cabins (male, female, transgender) have been installed where the organisers, usually Green-left alliances, explicitly ruled that the third category is not just meant for transgender people, but in general for all people who have not yet decided on which sex they want to be.

This does not sound like much, but is a symptom of a very bitter and hostile ideological trench warfare over here, which has taken the eU administration since some years as well. It is the claim by ultra-feminists and genderists that humans are born without any male or female characteristics at all, and can be totally freely made to become either male or female. The "tabula rasa" doctrine is something that psychology and medicine as well have long since proven to be a fallacy, but it has a great comeback currently, since it helps feminists to fight against their bitter enemy, the men and their male role model. Obviously not anatomically, but psychologically. To them, all gender roles are totally arbitrarily chosen and just a result of culture and education. Which is their argument why they want mothers and fathers being "dissolved", and child care being taken care of by the (politically correctly, meaning: ideologically conform) acting state.

It is this camp that propagates loudly that mothers are either stupid bitches that must be forced to abandon home and go working again, or that the term "mother" is sexual discrimination of women. Serious.

It is also a camp that naturally allies with homosexual activists that demand the relativisation of family, mother and father in their demand to have homosexual couples adopting children that are not their own (from former heterosexual partnerships). There is a strong ideological crusade in Germany that tries to reach schools, to make them encouraging students to actively engage in homosexual experimenting as well. Their strawman argument is that people who acted heterosexually only cannot know wether they would want top prefer turning into homosexuals instead.

Which is counterproductive, ironically, because the claim made my activists at the same time is that homosexuality is not something you decide on, but are by birth.

Well, if I do not whip myself till I bleed, I cannot know whether I enjoy BDSM and masochism, or not. :88) I need to date a domina, I think.

As I said, it is a bitter, deepening ideological war. The genderists currently are winning throughout the institutions and levels of administration.

So, you see, Platapus, while at first glance the new law seems to make sense indeed, and transgenderism is a medically proven reality indeed, there is much more to the story than just this law. And plain reason and common sense once again has become one of the first victims, already years ago.

At least the Green party payed a price for this anti-mother campaign of theirs,m they suffered serious losses. Which made this Green politician writing this open letter, which I found surprising to come from agreen, nevertheless I agree with her claims and her conclusions very much. Occasionally you can still see some lonely neurons firing in the desert wasteland of our postmodern time.

LINK - Family under Fire: an open letter to the party (IN GERMAN) (http://www.freiewelt.net/nachricht/familie-unter-beschuss-10014112/)

Beside all this, I think it is kind of double standards and a form of hypocrisy that one cares so much about transgender youngster now to create a third legal category for them - but still ruling that the genital mutilation of male babies and children still is not ruled to be an act of punishable physical violence and a criminal offence (like in case of girls being mutilated). And I do not care whether we talk Muslims or Jews here. The barbarism and the violation of the later adult's ability to make his own decision get violated, no matter the foul excuses made.

11-01-13, 08:28 AM
Oh, Jim, I was hoping no-one would post this, and the inevitable war of words that would follow.

Oh well, here we go I guess.


11-01-13, 08:34 AM


Okay, I heard you.

11-01-13, 09:03 AM
Oh, Jim, I was hoping no-one would post this, and the inevitable war of words that would follow.

Oh well, here we go I guess.

Nah, people are far more tolerant here on GT............aren't they? :)

11-01-13, 09:38 AM
Don't see the fuss...
It's already in the language.


Das ist Das Bernard. Es ist schoen.:Kaleun_Goofy:

11-01-13, 10:18 AM

Das ist Das Bernard. Es ist schoen.:Kaleun_Goofy:

However, EU-Newspeak: "das (n) Elter 1", "das (n) Elter 2", "das (n) Elternteil 1", and finally "das (n) Elternteil 2". EU regulations demand that all official announcements and publications by the national lawmakers should avoid the terminology "mother" and father", and use the above instead. Further, "1" and "2" should be constantly exchanged when referring to the boobs-carrier and the tail-carrier, because only giving both an equal share in adressing them as "Elternteil 1" avoids discriminating the other person (note: neutral) by constantly referring to it as being Number 2 only. Whose ego would not suffer from that offense?

No joke, its real. The insanity has system. Several states in the EU have adopted to this new legal language standards already.

Or the German special case of no longer using the genus commune, which adresses both single men and persons of groups, for referring to groups, for example the Bürger (citizens, plural). Our speakers now break their tongues by constantly saying "Bürgerinnen und Bürger" (citizens -pl- and "citizencesses" -f :D), "Wählerinnen und Wähler" (voters -pl- and "voterines"-f-), "Arbeiternehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer" (employees -pl - and "employerincesses" -f- :D). The implication that these idiots do not rlaise is that the male adress is swapped in this, while the female form gets a doubled adress:

It is a rape of German language, and grammatically it is and always will be simply wrong, because the genus commune since many thousands of years always has been used in indogermanic languages to refer with one shared genus to both single men and groups of multiple people, no matter their gender/sex, it includes the masculinum and the gender-unspecific plural in one shared format (with the femininum extracted from the genus commune and beeing given its own genus long time ago, so if there is any discrimination going on, then it is not that of of women, but men!). No joke, but radical feministas and genderistas running amok against common sense over this.

Political correctness kills brain cells faster than any known poison.

Compare to what Orwell wrote about language in 1984.

By manipulating language you manipulate thinking: fact from psychology.

11-01-13, 12:49 PM
German 101

Was ist das?

Das ist "Das Hoff."

https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/4068333312/h48033A59/ (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=ITac39P1CRBmDM&tbnid=w9tSGa0BaOlVKM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcheezburger.com%2F4068333312&ei=kuhzUpmIM-SRiQK1hoH4DA&bvm=bv.55819444,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNGWXESiy4XCW-Wkpd9Qo-_M-xJ-vg&ust=1383414274021082)

Noch ein mal.

Das Hoff.

Das Hoff.


Gut, jetzt... Betonov, was sagst du?:know::up:

11-01-13, 02:33 PM
Does this mean the potty for regular people will be made even more narrow? :D