View Full Version : Thank you manual targeting guides!

10-08-13, 03:06 PM
So this time around, I thought I would go with realistic settings and try my luck with manual targeting.

Currently on 2nd patrol, already took down a lone Nagara Maru and fishing boat with deck gun. Then my orders are to sail southwest from Honshu near Tokyo to just south of Kyushu. About south east of Shikoku at night I ran into two destroyers escorting a HARAI MARU. They were coming ENE as I was going WSW.

First thing I hit was plotting their speed and then that course, like the guides say. Once I got that, I turned my course around to find a better spot to have time and setup.

I get to my spot and slow down to 1kt at periscope depth. Sticking the periscope up just to make sure they stay on course. Meanwhile setting up my angle of attack to -10 and setting the TBC up.

I take a peek right when the first destroyer escort was at bearing 350, and it stops!

I take down scope, as quickly as I can and wait a few minutes, then another check. That destroyer is still at 350 and I look over and that juicy HARAI MARU is at 340, coming on. I bring the scope down again, and count some time. Then up scope, the HARAI MARU just started to come in front of the destroyer at 350, so being that I'm using the Mk 14s I use up all 4 for this attack. As soon as 4th one leaves the tube, I bump speed to 3 kts and dive deep.

There was much cheering in the control room as not only 1 impact was detected but FOUR!.

Needless to say, as I'm writing this from 430 meters running silent at 3 kts, there are two pissed destroyers dropping charges somewhere to my aft at bearing 209. Something makes me think, heads will roll.

So big thanks to the information here, cannot believe I never tried to manual target before ever and trusted everything to the TBC.

Dread Knot
10-08-13, 03:12 PM
Congratulations! :up:

For some reason I never get cheering in my control room. Darn deaf mutes.

10-08-13, 03:13 PM
Thanks! I swear I saw a couple of guys raise their hands, wasn't sure if it was the mod as I don't remember that before.