View Full Version : Surprise for me!

Cpt Vincent
09-22-13, 02:09 AM
On my second carreer, been patrolling norwegian coast in april and may 1940. Been a lot of action and i managed to sink an illustrios carrier but missed the two southampton class ships as the escort. Two days later i put two torpedos in HMS Nelson but the nine hunters for her escort effectively stopped me from making the killing shot and I had to let go of it. Back to harbor for a new assignment and after about two weeks of not finding anything but an british destroyer that almost rammed me in the bad weather i decided to search a little closer to shetland islands.

Here comes the surprising part, I see a medium cargo and in this good weather I plan to use my deck gun, suddenly the watchman shouts about a new contact, airplanes, I decided to not letting this ship get away so i man both flak gunsonly to find out that its three He 111 planes and they start bombing my precious target... luckily they missed and let me continue with my mission.

Thinking I should make a complaint to luftwaffe about killstealing...

09-22-13, 01:51 PM
BE MORE AGGRESSIVE!! http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/5540/xzj.gif (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/31/xzj.gif/)

u crank
09-22-13, 02:25 PM
It happens. :yep:


Cpt Vincent
09-22-13, 03:50 PM
Well I made complaints about it to Bdu, at least tell those flyings wannabee heroes to open their eyes. Anyway they missed and should be told if they plan to drop their bombs in the ocean, make sure its landing on an enemy :-)

Cpt Vincent
09-22-13, 04:36 PM
Perhaps i can use this thread to ask aquestion, sometimes when I have stopped completely i need to start engines by reversing them and hen i can go forward as normal. It isnt about crew is fatigued or not enough crew in machine room or something like that. Is there any fix for this bug?

09-22-13, 05:14 PM
No, it happens to me too. It usually happens when I'm going through the locks, and have to jockey the engines to keep from hitting the lock gates.
