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View Full Version : SH4 mods help

08-21-13, 06:08 PM
does anyone have any youtube SH4 mod tutorials that show you have to install them and what good mods to use???? im so illiterate when i comes to this. had to get best buy geek squad to do the mod pack for Age of Pirates City of Abandoned Ships. but i love silent hunter 4 Gold Edition, and would love to have the new updated stuff that is on it. but i have no idea how to do this. pls help????

08-21-13, 06:09 PM
would like to play like this, instead of the orriginal versions.


08-21-13, 08:02 PM
The first thing you need is to download Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler. I think you can get it in the downloads section. The super mods are TMO, RFB, RSRD, and Operation Monsoon. Then there is a host of other small mods. The super mods need to be installed first and be sure to read the documentation follow the directions with each one. Any more questions, don't be afraid to ask. :salute:

08-21-13, 08:12 PM
The first thing you need is to download Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler. I think you can get it in the downloads section. The super mods are TMO, RFB, RSRD, and Operation Monsoon. Then there is a host of other small mods. The super mods need to be installed first and be sure to read the documentation follow the directions with each one. Any more questions, don't be afraid to ask. :salute:

TY i will try that. :up:

08-22-13, 12:40 AM
One little tip if you run into problems and post here give you computer specs and OS. Also what mods you have or are trying to install. The more info the better.

The super mods can not be run together. TMO RFB or FOTRS are one or the other mods. RSRD can be run with TMO or RFB but make sure you have the right version. Install all mods with JSGME.

Put the game into some other folder than the default Program files folder.

Well that's more than one tip but what the hay.:up:


08-22-13, 03:12 PM
TMO RFB or FOTRS and RSRD what is that??? im @ a loss here on abreviations.

08-22-13, 11:34 PM
TMO - Trigger Maru Overhauled: enhances many aspects of game and is intended to make it harder as well.

RFB - Real Fleet Boat: enhances many aspects of game and is intended to make game and boats as historically accurate as possible.

RSRDC - Run Silent Run Deep Campaign: changes shipping traffic to historic levels and puts in Japanese/USN fleet movements. Has seperate versions for use with stock, RFB, and TMO.

FOTRS - Fall Of The Rising Sun: Also a mega mod. I am not familiar with the details.

GFO - Game Fixes Only: fixes many bugs without changing everything about the game.

I, myself play RFB + RSRDC, so I can't really speak about the others. However, all will provide you with a game that is better than the stock game.

Admiral Halsey
08-22-13, 11:46 PM
FOTRS is basically an enhanced version of RSRD.

08-23-13, 10:09 AM
FOTRS is basically an enhanced version of RSRD.

its a lot more then that, its more like a TMO or RFB style mod with its own version of a campaign mod built into it so that's why the FOTRS mod needs to be used as is and is not compatible to adding any other mods to it unless they are made for using with only FOTRS

Admiral Halsey
08-23-13, 10:24 AM
its a lot more then that, its more like a TMO or RFB style mod with its own version of a campaign mod built into it so that's why the FOTRS mod needs to be used as is and is not compatible to adding any other mods to it unless they are made for using with only FOTRS

I thought they used the RSRD campaign as its base though?

Rockin Robbins
08-23-13, 11:43 AM
They stared with TMO for FOTRS, made it a bit easier and then made with the conspicuous eye candy. It's a visually stunning mod.