View Full Version : Patrol 9

04-09-13, 08:57 AM
I'm actually playing this career, as opposed to starting new after a couple of patrols because I keep finding interesting mods...

Anyway, I'm currently using GWX and SH3Commander (and some other texture/sound mods).

My character's name is Heinz Schnipp, and here's a brief overview of Patrol 9.

After leaving Wilhelmshaven in my trusty VIIB, I decided to troll the east coast of England and came across reports of a convoy moving south from the Scapa Flow area. They were getting close, and I picked them up on the hyrdophone, so made a dash to where I figured they'd be (based on bearing and the course calculated by the convoy reports).

I guessed right, and was soon surrounded by contact bearing lines east of Harwich, so I got to periscope depth to take a look around. I was smack dab in the middle of the large convoy (in the gap between the inner two columns)! What did I see? I saw HMS Nelson, big as life 2000m and closing for a perfect torpedo shot. Not wanting to take any chances, I loosed 4 fish and sent her to the bottom. Spent an hour shaking the escorts, and got away clean.

Then I decided to go port-hopping.

Found myself in Dover, and was able to sink a Large Troop Ship and (according to SH3Commander) HMS Sheffield.

After a couple of random merchant encounters, I found myself sneaking into the middle of Harwich. There I found and sunk HMS Snipe and a couple of freighters along with a tanker.

Down to two torpedos in the stern and 24 HE rounds in my 8.8cm gun, I decided to head back home.

Patrol results:
11 ships sunk (1 Battleship, 1 Light Cruiser, 1 Black Swan Class)
95,736 tons

One question:
In Harwich, I found 2 S-class subs and pounded the crap out of them with the deck gun. One seems to have sunk with only the conning tower visible, but both out of commission with dozens of hits on them. I never did get credit for sinking them. Are enemy subs with GWX only eye-candy that shoots back? Or are they sinkable? I hit the snot out of them and cannot believe they would be able to take that much of a beating.

04-09-13, 11:50 AM
I have seen HMS Rodney tucked nicely inside a convoy during one of my patrols in the Irish Sea. Couldn't t get a decent shot on her though, because of heavy escorts hounding me. Sunk a couple of Destroyers and a large Tanker in Liverpool, but be aware of mines at the entrance to the Mersey. as you will need to avoid them when going in submerged. I entered at night just after dark and crept in on silent running, otherwise you will get detected by MTBs & AWS Armed Trawlers.

04-09-13, 04:27 PM
Are enemy subs with GWX only eye-candy that shoots back? Or are they sinkable?

They are sinkable. Where they do not sink beneath the waves, you have to pound them till you get the sinking message, the same goes for ships too.
