View Full Version : Steam install question

01-31-13, 01:29 AM
As mentioned in my 1st post I am just getting back into SH3 and had downloaded it from Steam. When trying to install GWX I got a message that I had mods that weren't compatible (I don't remember exactly). Is the Steam game considered a clean install? I downloaded GWX.exe and all 7 of the .bin files. Thanks for any info.

02-01-13, 12:16 AM
point the GWX installer to where Steam put SH3.exe, not the default location.

02-01-13, 03:54 PM
Thanks for the tip. After reading this and the thread about GWX and Steam, I decided to re-install to D:/SilentHunter II. "D" being a hard drive with only games on it. I still get the same err message. Does it have to go in "C" drive?
Sorry to be a PITA but Steam frustrates me sometimes:arrgh!:

02-01-13, 04:56 PM
That part that comes up with an install to needs to be browsed.

Steam was not an issue back when I did the installer.
I have contemplated a new installer to allow for steam.
But I'm not sure We need to go through all the uploading of files.

Maybe a document should be included as a mandatory download.
But then again who the heck would read it?

02-01-13, 11:16 PM
Maybe just tweaking the error message that gets thrown. It says it's not a clean install, but I knew mine was. A little footnote in the window may work.

It's kinda like if your tire on your car falls off, the oil light comes on. The error message doesn't relate to the actual error.