View Full Version : What is your best patrol?

05-01-12, 12:55 PM
When the game came out, many scored high with stock, but if your using one of the supermods, what is your best patrol, one outing, no refits...course kills with DG and 40's count as well. We have a lot of new players, so lets see those scores.

See if you beat me....:O:

My best using TMO/RSRD was 258,412 tons.


Rockin Robbins
05-01-12, 03:31 PM
I quit figuring my best patrols by tonnage a long time ago. Now it's notable things that happened during the cruise:

The raid on Truk, where a battlecruiser opened up on me while I was escaping over the bar and a spread of torpedoes was headed his way. He got off two salvos before the torpedoes slammed home and I had diving depth. That was exciting.

And the first time I had loaded up Trigger Maru, had just watched WernerSobe's sonar only targeting video. I was in a thick fog, tracking a couple of merchies. Ping! Ping! and suddenly one of the merchies turned toward and accelerated to 20 knots. Good thing I was wearing brown pants....

There was the time I was in shallow water playing Jack-in-the-Box with a column of merchies accompanied by a pesky gunboat. I'd cross under the convoy, pop up and shoot the deck gun a couple of times and take her down. Then I ran out of deck gun ammo. I kept up at it with the 40mm. It was just stupid frustration, but as I was popping up and shooting a burst there were incredible explosions from the gunship--sank with the 40mm! That was foolhardy and fun.

But my most memorable cruise was when I got caught flat-footed right off the coast of Japan by a group of escorts from hell. They pounded me for a couple of hours in a coordinated attack, finally destroying both periscopes and springing leaks all over. Then they broke off.

I was completely blinded and 3,000 miles from Pearl. But feeling my way I finally made it all the way back home. Thank God there were no holes in the fuel tanks. For that cruise Digital Trucker modified my battle flag so the Kraken sea monster is blind and has a cane. I consider that the greatest success of all my time playing the game.

Playing cutie on a leash was a lot of fun too!

05-01-12, 04:08 PM
I am like Robbins, not sure about best tonnage wise but what I see as best achievements.

Managed to sneak inside the screen of a huge convoy in Formosa Straights in 44, kept pushing it, watching for signs of being detected but managed to avoid their radar and look outs, had targets bow and stern, just enough distance for fish from both ends to arm.Couldn't believe I made it, tried this many times and always have to shoot from outside the convoy in TMO RSRD but anyway, I fired at 4 targets from bow tubes, two fish each, one set to hit the waterline, other at 12 feet, then rushed to the aft TBT, fired three at a big tanker and one at mid sized merchant. Soon.....all bow fish hit, three ships in flames, one mid sized tanker exploded, the flames lit my but up, I went to ahead flank and hard port rudder and rush away with machine gun fire and cannon fire from the merchants raging, but luckily missing.The stern tubes hit, Nippon Maru tanker, obliterated with 3 fish, two wouldve done the job.Then a nice surprise, the single stern torpedo hit the mid sized freighter, which was apparently loaded with ammo, it exploded in a huge cloud.

I raced away, some machine gun fire impacting my superstructure.Soon a Type C escort on the flank spotted me and came rushing in.I was making 21 knots, shells splashing but was opening the range.Soon a full sized DD came rushing in, I had to dive.Took a 5 hour depth charging in the shallows, some damage but survived and surfaced at dawn.Lifeboats and debris field everywhere.

I had sunk five ships in one attack, added on to 3 others I had knocked out, had nearly 100k tons down on full realism.I headed for home since was now out of fish.

Another time....I was was badly beat up like robbins, scopes gone, nearly every piece of equipment destroyed, I was scared to submerged due to the beating I took from depth charges, no holes in the hull but had lost some hull integrity. I finally made it back to Pearl though.

Times I stumbled across the Yamato or the big carriers and bagged them, always fun also but the one convoy attack I mentioned above, it was epic, most intense patrol I have had in SH 4.

Sailor Steve
05-01-12, 05:14 PM
I sank a ship once. :D

05-01-12, 06:24 PM
Every now and then, I get feisty, and take on destroyers only. Best patrol was taking out 16 of them in a Sargo boat out of Fremantle, and hanging around the Makassar Straits.

Best fun, is down the throat from 1000 yards out. Keep it to night time attacks using the observation scope, and purposely make a lot of noise to sucker them in.

05-01-12, 07:04 PM
Excitement vs. tonnage...I guess my most exciting was attacking the carrier group in the Indian Ocean. After 3 end arounds, sunk several, but what I remember is 93% damage, luckily I made it home and fought off several planes as I couldn't dive.

05-01-12, 07:31 PM
I never really kept track of my tonnage, at least, not to the point that I can recall it now. Still, I think my most memerable engagements were during the Third Naval Battle of Guadalcanal (though I had several refits at nearby Tulagi). I also had quite a challenge during the Battle of Vella Gulf where I sank all the IJN DDs. Not much for tonnage, but it sure was exciting when one of the DDs was making a dodging charge right for me (at speed). I kept timing his turns and sent out a shot where I thought he'd be on his next swing and nailed him. It didn't hurt that he was about 1000yds away when I let my fish fly at high speed, but I still think it was a lucky shot. Wish I still had a SS of it, but I deleted most of them now.

05-01-12, 07:41 PM
I sank a ship once. :D

Pictures or it didn't happen.:k_confused:

05-01-12, 07:43 PM
I sank a ship once. :D

I sank an 'enemy' ship once.

They put up a little more resistance than the friendly ones. :cry:

05-01-12, 07:45 PM
I don't remember tonnage, but I caught Yamato and Musashi at Truk one time. So sorry about your super BBs Mr. Tojo.:O:

I had a 13? ship run while visiting the Sea of Japan.

05-01-12, 07:47 PM
I've had some fun patrols off Attu.

Kuma CL
4-5 transports
+ a DD

05-01-12, 07:52 PM
Tonnage, per patrol has never been stellar. Those dag-gum blasted faulty torpedoes!

I think my best was around 85,000 tons, but only because I got a big fat BB and 2 or 3 of those big 18000 ton troop ships. Although if you hit those troop ships just right, you can take them out with 1 torpedo, or 2 at most.

The big BB I remember only 3 of the 4 torpedoes detonated, but I think what was the clincher on that one, was the 2nd torpedo I aimed towards the forward turret on the bow, and it hit right dead on between A and B turret, and must have set off the powder magazine, as the whole forward area of the ship just blew up in a huge fireball. The 1st torpedo struck her amidships by the stacks, and the 3rd one hit between the stacks and the aft turrets.

She went down fast too! Sank in a couple minutes. I was shocked at how quick it went under.

I fired a couple torpedoes at a Lt Cruiser but only one hit, and with all the bow tubes expended, I decided to go silent and take her down real deep, and creep away.

The escorts came looking for us, but we managed to elude them and only got pinged once or twice. We could hear depth charges going off, but none were even close to us, as they were guessing the whole time as to our location.

We were not able to catch up or pass them up, as they were cruising at 20+ knots, so it was a hit and run and hope for the best attack.

Soviet Creeper
05-01-12, 07:52 PM
Well, I got ran over by a massive task force in shallow water once, and got to spam torpedos at various ships of large size. Too bad after a few hours the only thing left of my submarine was scrap metal :< Still quite fun.

05-02-12, 03:53 PM
Well, I'm new and just fired up TMO. This is my first career, currently on 3rd patrol in an S-boat. First patrol I sunk a Chitose and 2 merchants among the islands due north of Luzon; 2nd patrol, sunk two merchants off Cam Ranh Bay; 3rd patrol, have thus far sunk two merchants near Ambon Island in the Banda Sea.

Have also blundered away some great opportunities. While returning to base in first patrol I stumbled into a massive convoy (~ 22 ships) entering Lingayen Gulf. I decided to "blockade" them at the mouth, with my four remaining torpedoes, while they were inside. Except that they turned about and came storming out, running right over my position. I fired 4 blindly from 90' depth, thinking I couldn't possibly miss hitting something. I was wrong.

Not a great report, but an honest one. :)

05-02-12, 05:44 PM
Last mission 1 Fuso and a heay cruiser and a Nakia dead in the water,prior that 2 Hiryu flatops and a heavy cruiser.and a few carears back when i use to play the easy mode with tacticl nukes on boared around 315k

Sailor Steve
05-02-12, 10:00 PM
I sank an 'enemy' ship once.

They put up a little more resistance than the friendly ones. :cry:
Touche. :sunny: