View Full Version : Sinking Japanese Submarines

03-11-12, 04:13 AM
Hi Guys,
Anybody got any tips on how to sink Japanese subs. On the odd occassion I have cornered one, I can hit the jap sub with multiple torpedos to no or very little effect. Surely they aren't so strong ?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated


03-11-12, 06:46 AM
They sink like rocks in TMO with 1 torp. What version/mods do u run?

03-11-12, 07:18 AM
Can you give us a little more information on "no or little effect"?

Are you getting an explosion or are your torpedoes missing/duding out?

If you are getting a big boom, are you saying that the submarine does not sink?

Or are you referring to not getting credit for sinking the sub. That has happened to me many times. Now I no longer waste torps on enemy submarines.

I have missed/duded submarines and I have not received credit for sinking subs, but once there is the big boom, the sub usually "crash dives" really fast. :D

03-11-12, 09:34 AM
Can you give us a little more information on "no or little effect"?

Are you getting an explosion or are your torpedoes missing/duding out?

If you are getting a big boom, are you saying that the submarine does not sink?

Or are you referring to not getting credit for sinking the sub. That has happened to me many times. Now I no longer waste torps on enemy submarines.

I have missed/duded submarines and I have not received credit for sinking subs, but once there is the big boom, the sub usually "crash dives" really fast. :D

In SH I, the Jap subs would crash dive to evade you. Then they would eventually surface then proceed on their way. They were preety hard to hit though.

03-11-12, 06:05 PM
I sank 3 out of 6 encountered thus far. Three, up and disappeared as I was trying to close the distance (still can't figure how I lost them), and three I sank, one for no credit. The three I sank were a "one torp, one kill" scenario.

03-12-12, 02:40 AM
Firt of all, thanks every one for your replies. A particular scenario is catching a jap sub in a harbour, stationary. Hitting it from close range with 3 - 4 torps and not destroying it. I suppose it's as some of you said, not credited sinking them. The red ship icon doesn't change to show enemy destroyed. Seems like a few people have this trouble, waste of ammunition, dissappointing.
Thanks again everyone

03-12-12, 04:07 AM
Firt of all, thanks every one for your replies. A particular scenario is catching a jap sub in a harbour, stationary. Hitting it from close range with 3 - 4 torps and not destroying it. I suppose it's as some of you said, not credited sinking them. The red ship icon doesn't change to show enemy destroyed. Seems like a few people have this trouble, waste of ammunition, dissappointing.
Thanks again everyone

Are you playing the stock game? I do know the stock game places a Sen Toku sub at some ports but it is not playable or an AI. It can't move it won't sink, it just sits there. So if you are playing stock that may be what you see.


03-12-12, 01:51 PM
What Pea said....:up:

Most supermods have Jap and German subs roaming the seas that you can attack and sink, stock doesn't, only the Sen and midget subs at port that don't sink....stock sucks.

There is a mod that adds the Sen Toku, but you would have to add it in the traffic to sink it.

03-12-12, 03:24 PM
Armistead and Peabody
You guys hit the nail on the head. I'm just playing the stock game so I guess I'm just whacking torpedos into an unplayable sub. I'll have to try some mods to move this on. Thanks guys.

03-12-12, 04:29 PM
this is what you need:


i downloaded it. it works for jap subs adn makes them move and they can be destoryed but it does not work with the minisubs as afar as i know

03-13-12, 03:06 AM
well, only one, in the middle of the night, near surabaya, starting february 1942.After a very quickly torpedo setup, 1800 japanese steel tons was in flames and fire....kaboooom:D

only one thing, I dont know if somethin wrong here, but in my captains log was confirmed the kill, but in the end of patrol, no trace of that kill in the port office..anyone can confirm this?
