View Full Version : Stupid torpedo man it`s just a hatch!

02-03-12, 10:14 PM
My fore and aft external torpedo reserves are not loading. is there somthing I`m not doing right?:hmmm: I`m in about November of 1939 and on the tail of a massive convoy, and the only torpedoes that I have left are the two external ones. it will probably only take 1 more ship to finish off the british supplies mission:rock:. any advice? is this a common problem? any answers would be appreciated thanks:salute:

02-03-12, 10:16 PM
Are you on the surface?

Because, really, it's kind of hard for your crew to load the outboard torps into the boat underwater unless they have gills :)

Also, even when on the surface, shoving eels into the boat from outboard storage is going to take a lot longer. Basically, they have to shove the big eels down a small hatch and get them to where you want them. Best advice I can give, based on year of experience, is to load the externals as soon as you have room and you are in an area where you don't have to worry about planes or destroyers coming by.

02-04-12, 01:23 AM
yes I was surfaced at the time but my game was screwed up. I got it to work after some head scratching, also I was in december of 1939 not november:dead:. I hve finished that mission and now i'm bored. the norway mission is not here yet (i have finished all other missions:D). any suggestions on what I should do next? :salute:

Commander Mysenses
02-04-12, 01:47 AM
any suggestions on what I should do next?
Toughen up princess... get out there and sink some ships!

02-04-12, 02:18 AM
Toughen up princess... get out there and sink some ships!

I did. I went all the way to Norway, sank 2 Cimmoron class tankers, (I also saw a task force up near that yet-to-be german base) came all the way back, went to scapa flow, sunk the Hood, and then my game crashed & I went to bed.:dead:
Are there any other bases I should infiltrate? or should I stop asking questions? :salute:

02-04-12, 08:06 AM
I did. I went all the way to Norway, sank 2 Cimmoron class tankers, (I also saw a task force up near that yet-to-be german base) came all the way back, went to scapa flow, sunk the Hood, and then my game crashed & I went to bed.:dead:
Are there any other bases I should infiltrate? or should I stop asking questions? :salute:

Never stop asking questions. That's what your fellow Kaleuns here are here for. :)

Keep in mind: This is a simulation. You're there. You're in the early war, also known as the "phony war", between October 1939 and April 1940 where nobody really knew how long it was going to drag out. The Germans were still hoping that the Allies would decide that Poland wasn't going to be worth going to war over and, besides, they hadn't really planned for what to do if the Allies were going to decide to go all out.

Right now, your superiors are planning like crazy and, in the meantime, just keep going out there sinking ships, gathering renown and tonnage, upgrading your boat and training you crew. You'll need it once the High Command realizes that this is "it" and start pestering you with orders again.

These are the happy times. Enjoy them while they last :DL

02-04-12, 10:07 AM
Herr Oscarenwickler!
In 1939, my external torpedoes are not available. Maybe my game is buggy, but I've done two reinstalls for various reasons but it's always the same. So, if I'm correct, you should not have any external torpedo reserves in 1939. Can someone verify this?
(Unless you have a mod that changes the weapons availability of das Boot.
Anyway, if I'm right, that convoy is going on safe.
Good Hunting Herr Kaleun.
D40 :salute:

02-04-12, 10:28 AM
This happens when you get the type b boat:up:

02-06-12, 12:25 AM
Does anyone know when exactly the norway mission arrives? I'm planning a trip to Hudson Bay, Canada. :D It'll take a few weeks to get there (I just stated the obvious! oh look a chair!) and I want to be back in time for the invasion of Norway.
P.S. my auto correct suggested investment of norway!:har:

02-10-12, 01:44 AM

02-10-12, 01:46 AM
Never stop asking questions. That's what your fellow Kaleuns here are here for. :)

Keep in mind: This is a simulation. You're there. You're in the early war, also known as the "phony war", between October 1939 and April 1940 where nobody really knew how long it was going to drag out. The Germans were still hoping that the Allies would decide that Poland wasn't going to be worth going to war over and, besides, they hadn't really planned for what to do if the Allies were going to decide to go all out.

Right now, your superiors are planning like crazy and, in the meantime, just keep going out there sinking ships, gathering renown and tonnage, upgrading your boat and training you crew. You'll need it once the High Command realizes that this is "it" and start pestering you with orders again.

These are the happy times. Enjoy them while they last :DL

Aye Aye, sir :D