View Full Version : My 2011

12-27-11, 03:38 AM
tell us about your 2011

i'll start

January - March 2011

Still working as a contract pilot trying to make ends meet and having little luck. Started working on a new contract for pilot services for an oil and gas company chartering flights in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas and occasional gulf coast states eastward... deal promptly falls through leaving me unemployed as many aviation gigs have in the past.

April 2011

Approached by friend about the possibility of working as a catastrophe insurance adjuster. Discuss the situation and begin certification to that end. have no idea what i was getting myself into.

May 2011

Adjuster certification achieved, received first deployment orders for training in 2-story steep roof inspections for hail and wind damage insurance claims over the next 45 days.

June 1st-5th 2011

continued working in training, pay is unreal compared to what i have been used to... get divorced.

July 1st-12th 2011

Training has been completed since late June, awaiting initial deployment orders to work as a full time catastrophe claims adjuster handling my own claims. meet cute girl.

July 17th 2011

Receive deployment orders to head to Cleveland Ohio to work hail claims, load up truck and inform the cute girlfriend who promptly drops everything and tags along.

July 19th 2011

Arrive in Cleveland Ohio where i am informed that there are no hail claims, instead i will be working basements flooded with sewage.

August 20-25 2011

Still in Cleveland living in an extended stay hotel, contract walking-pneumonia from the 20th to the 25th, go to hospital twice, receive 5 IV fluid packs and 2 chest x-rays. get released on the 25th to return home to Texas. By the 25th im almost fully recovered plan to leave first thing in the morning on the 27th.

Receive call as i am pulling out of the hotel parking lot on August 27th requesting that i report to Frederich Maryland to work hurricane claims. reprogram GPS and head east.

August 30th - October 25th 2011

Receive assignment to report to Newark, New Jersey :shifty: to work hurricane claims as the lead adjuster on a 2-story steep roof inspection team. work my arse off... decide that there is nothing i like about New Jersey.

October 26th 2011

point the truck at Texas and mash gas peddle to the floor, stop for 2 hours to "rest" in Central Tennessee, Arrive in Texas the afternoon of October 27th

October 28 - Present

relax, smoke cigars, drink, watch TV, play games, dive headlong into the BDSM subculture and fornicate... mostly fornicate though.

also Thanksgiving and Christmas happened.

yeah :doh:

12-27-11, 03:50 AM
Got back into boatbuilding, conquered a 2060m mountain, no woman. That's about it

12-27-11, 03:51 AM
no woman.

You're ahead in life!:salute:

12-28-11, 05:09 PM
Jeebus GR, you must have a personal secretary to keep trck of that!:dead:

Mine was work. Post at subsim. Go to work. No cool Vacations last year. I did meet Sailor Steve for lunch.:woot:

Sailor Steve
12-28-11, 07:23 PM
...get divorced...meet cute girl.
:o I somehow missed that part.

Anyway, I spent the first half of the year living in the VA housing I got into the previous May when the VA got me off the streets.

Moved into my new apartment in July. Played a couple of minor gigs with the band.

Had an abortive recording project. Ran into a very old friend on FaceBook. He's had a lengthy career as a recording engineer, and is now helping us do it right.

Had lunch with everybody's favorite McBee.

Went to sunny SoCal in December to see my dad, my sister and my daughter, and then reunited with a couple of other very old friends.

Slow but basically good year.

12-28-11, 09:55 PM
Fresh off my month-long Christmas vacation in the US where I spent time with friends, saw some great live music, visited some great new places (including NYC for the first time) and blew off work (at least for half of it). That was in 2010 though, but the impressions of that kept me warm for a while :yep:
Business as usual back here, with work going well. Covered all the outstanding bills from my trip within 2 weeks.

Not my favourite part of the year - weather/cold/lack of sunshine gets me down, work starts getting grind-like, Valentine's day always reminds me about how I'm single and unhappy about that... thankfully, good friends made this month easier to survive :yep:

Pulled off some solid research work, went to San Francisco to present it to a conference of computer scientists and other cool nerdy types. Met a really awesome girl that I got on with well, but she was taken (story of my life... :cry: )

Birthday month; got to see my family for the first time in more than half a year (longest stretch up to that point). Starting to study like crazy, also.

Crazy intense studying for my final PhD comprehensive exam. Read the equivalent of several dozen thick academic books.

Pass my last comprehensive exam, officially become PhD candidate :D
Decompress for a couple of weeks, in between a little bit of drinking with friends. All work for the next couple of months ends.

Awesome month. Starts with Canada Day at a cottage (booze, fireworks, fishing and all), moves on to traveling through a good chunk of mid-Atlantic the US of A, drinking moonshine, smoking cigars, and shooting guns with good buddies of mine :|\\
Ends back at my parents' cottage on the lake - just the place I wanna be during hot summer weather :yeah:

Mostly at my parents' cottage, but the vacation is cut somewhat short when my stupid school drops a bunch of poorly-organized work on my head. I leave the cottage a week early, but get my work done by the end of the month and finish it off with a visit to good friends in the DC area.

Back to the reality of work life. Design and teach my own course for the first time - intense amount of concentration and effort, horrible pay, compounded by debts from summer months when I had no pay.

Weather gets worse, work gets harder, but hanging in there. Money situation really crappy. Lose almost 20lb since September due to having to keep food budgets down.

Situation stabilizing, slightly less broke, work becoming more manageable but still lots of it!

Didn't get to do much during the holidays, nor got much of a break, but things are alright all in all :yep: Brother just arrived to stay with me for a few days before moving to Japan, nice to see him here. Gonna hang out with some good friends tomorrow and hope my new year is more like the middle part of this one! :yeah:

12-28-11, 11:05 PM
Got a couple games, a slightly faster Internet connection, oh and found out that one of the rifles hidden away in this house is actually a Karbiner 98K(and in working order) which is cool. I generally hate guns but still, history.

Nothing else that I will note here.

12-31-11, 08:34 AM
What happened to cute girlfriend?

Sailor Steve
12-31-11, 10:37 AM
What happened to cute girlfriend?
I expect she's involved in his last line.