View Full Version : So I just got SH3 for christmas....

Soviet Creeper
12-25-11, 06:55 PM
Promptly downloaded GWX, and the widescreen fix. But other than that I have not touched the game yet.

Against what little logic I have,I am planning to have the first ship I sink be a battleship, via raiding scrapa flow.I doubt anyone will have done that before. Ive got a good 50 hours in SH4's Uboat missions with Operation monsun, and Im hoping its remotely similar :>. I will (hopefully remember) make a video of it, and post it.

I must say, I think my uboat is going to end up as a hunk of metal under the sea. And thats the way I like it :sunny:

12-26-11, 01:12 AM
unfortunately your not gonna find a battle ship in Scapa Flow, but you will find the HMS Nelson in the port of Gibraltar.

12-26-11, 01:29 AM
You will find that if it can be done, it probably already has.

If you haven't played SH3, I would recommend doing the academy missions without any mods. *Get used to driving the boat etc. * Especially since the Flak class is nigh impossible in GWX. * Then install Gwx, you will learn a lot of simple things there that will cost you dearly later. *

As to Scapa flow, I recommend doing a search here, there are a few lists of when you can find capital ships in it's harbor. *IF you want some historic realism, I'd recommend checking out www.u47.org (I think) for a detailed description of what Prien did. *On the few times I have raided SF, I followed his methods. *GWX modeled the harbor after his accounts for realism. *

But if you really want a BB caught in the wild, See if you can catch a convoy within the first few months of the war, the ones found in GWX were lightly escorted by ASW, and were heavy on the ASUW (ergo Battleships. *The latest/last chapter of my fiction "Schlitzhor" describes such an encounter, search for it. *

12-26-11, 03:44 AM
Promptly downloaded GWX, and the widescreen fix. But other than that I have not touched the game yet.

Against what little logic I have,I am planning to have the first ship I sink be a battleship, via raiding scrapa flow.I doubt anyone will have done that before.

Heh. Like reading The Onion.

12-26-11, 10:35 AM
Whaddayamean, "no battleship in scapa flow?"

I once found a henry with several escorts bobbing gently in there, early in the war!

I ran out of torpedoes trying to finish the job cause I still wasn't that good at it back then, and I still haven't gone back and fixed that...

Soviet Creeper
12-26-11, 11:31 AM
Tried to record it, but for some odd reason fraps decided it just did not want to work today. Its a shame, I ended up more or less "beaching" my sub gettting around a net, nearly taking a large caliberd round into my conning tower, and wobbling back into the water. I found a revenge class in there, just like in SH4's Op Monsun :D. Sent 4 torps at it, 1 dudded, but in the end it ended up sinking.
On the way out, I had to beach my sub again. This time however, my sub slipped and got caught on the sub net. That let the land based guns pound me until game over :nope:

Atleast I got my battleship!

12-26-11, 11:35 AM
BE MORE AGGRESSIVE!! http://www.psionguild.org/forums/images/smilies/wolfsmilies/pirate.gif

Soviet Creeper
12-26-11, 02:36 PM
Ramming my boat onto a beach to get around a subnet while taking fire from really big guns and not afraiding of anything isnt being agressive enough? dayum.

USS Drum
12-26-11, 02:40 PM
Ramming my boat onto a beach to get around a subnet while taking fire from really big guns and not afraiding of anything isnt being agressive enough? dayum.

Here's how you get out take the east entrance and use the south channel there are no subnets there.

12-26-11, 03:11 PM
Heh. Like reading The Onion.
LOL (But I'm cheering for him)

12-26-11, 07:34 PM
Seriously, read the site I linked. It will show you how to get in and out easy. MinImal patrols, no nets, and you run on the surface for quite a while.

12-26-11, 08:11 PM
Tried to record it, but for some odd reason fraps decided it just did not want to work today. Its a shame,
A tleast I got my battleship!

On your first patrol. And into Scapa, no less. In a game+mod that baffles and flummoxes most of us experienced players.

Pity you didn't get a screen shot, but if it is that easy, I guess I will give it a go on my next career.

Soviet Creeper
12-26-11, 08:29 PM
Seriously, read the site I linked. It will show you how to get in and out easy. MinImal patrols, no nets, and you run on the surface for quite a while.

I find it much more fun to just charge in and hope for the best. This is why i never finish my campains.

12-26-11, 08:47 PM
dang I have been in Scapa more then 10 times and have yet to see a battle ship, blarg. lol

12-27-11, 06:19 AM
Tried to record it, but for some odd reason fraps decided it just did not want to work today. Its a shame,

Atleast I got my battleship!

What was the date?

12-27-11, 09:57 AM
dang I have been in Scapa more then 10 times and have yet to see a battle ship, blarg. lol

...there is a specific dates list of battleships in port and where, but dont where you may get it.

Sailor Steve
12-27-11, 10:12 AM
dang I have been in Scapa more then 10 times and have yet to see a battle ship, blarg. lol
What mods are you using? After 1939 it should be impossible, not a pleasure cruise.