View Full Version : Tor Project, or alternatives?

11-10-11, 06:46 AM
Has anyone experience with the anonymity software TOR?


Or knows a better alternative?

How reliable does TOR work, how much delay does it cause?

11-10-11, 06:49 AM
It's totally dependant on getting good proxy connections that allow anonymous connectivity. These are getting rarer, but are still possible to find. If you can locate one that works one day you might find it doesn't work the next. Depending on where your proxy is and it's bandwidth the latency it produces can be anything from low milliseconds to several seconds delay.

The biggest dealy is in locating working unsecured proxies which is the most frustrating part of the whole exercise.

11-10-11, 07:12 AM
Personally I'd just spend the money on a VPN. Tor is usually slower than molasses.

11-10-11, 07:51 AM
Hm. Not good.