View Full Version : Military Bulks up to Protect against Groin Injuries

Feuer Frei!
08-22-11, 01:40 AM
The U.S. military is working to protect troops against an increasingly common type of injury in Afghanistan: groin wounds.
Four months ago, the Army put in a rush order for $2 million worth of ballistic underwear designed to better protect service members. Recently, the Army again put in a rush order – this time for $19 million for “ballistic groin protection and armored exterior shorts.”
There’s a good reason to take a hard look at pelvic protection. As a result of improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, troops in Afghanistan are suffering more and more blunt trauma injuries to their pelvic areas and genitals. The injuries can lead to internal bleeding and in some cases be fatal.

SOURCE (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/checkpoint-washington/post/military-bulks-up-to-protect-against-groin-injuries/2011/08/18/gIQAq6ZPOJ_blog.html)

Osmium Steele
08-22-11, 07:04 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you... ... The Codpiece!

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDl3glKF9mg9O7aqQMe9Cpxg4NcToA_ Ak9nbe3lakqBGx0CVRPIQ

Will this revive a fashion trend?